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International Railways: Authors M - Z

Online Catalogue |  Out Of Print Showcase |  International Railways: Authors M - Z

Das Lied Der Dampflok. Ein archiv in wort, bild und ton. Ref: S7556  

Maedel, K E.
Stuttgart, 1967 : Franckh.
Quarto, 80 pages with photo illustrations, German text, and a wallet containing 6 45rpm EPs of locomotive recordings produced by the Kosmos Co, glazed boards, book VG+ although wallet slightly strained by its contents. Records appear fine. ** The records each commence with a German commentary on the contents. Some are lineside recordings, others are from the footplate. Played on the office Dansette they came across as of a good technical standard, but I cannot pretend to be an expert in these matters.
Price: £30.00

Souvenirs Ferroviaires Du Languedoc Ref: S5687  

Maillet, M.
Breil-sur-Roya, 1994: Cabri.
Large octavo, 175 pages, photo illustrations, French text, laminated card covers. **Steam reminiscences.
Price: £15.00

Rock Island Color Pictorial - Volume 3 - the final decade. Ref: S7774  


Marre, L A.
La Mirada, Ca, 2001 : Four Ways West.
Large quarto, 128 page colour album, map, glazed boards, fine. ** Motive Power Review 1970 - 1980 showing an interesting array of traction and rolling stock.
Price: £28.00

Steel And Rails In Newcastle. Ref: S7715  

McDonald, K.
Surrey Hills, Victoria, 1981 : Light Railway Research Soc Of Australia.
Folio, 116 pages, photo illustrations (some colour), locomotive and stock diagrams, site plans, jacket, VG+. ** The steelworks railway at Broken Hill.
Price: £24.00

China By Rail. Ref: S6145  

Middleton, W D.
Glendale, Ca, 1986: Trans-Anglo.
Oblong quarto, 120 pages with colour and black & white illustrations, laminated card covers, near fine. **Contains some useful history and recent operations.
Price: £16.00

Chemins De Fer Et Canaux. Etude sur le prix de revient des transports, par voie ferrée et par voie navigable. Ref: S3352  

Motet, T.
1888, Paris, Imprimerie Nouvelle.
Large octavo, 133 pages, tables, 3 large folding maps, new cloth, contents browned but otherwise VG. **French 19th century transport economics.
Price: £60.00

Single Line Railways. A handbook of management, engineering, and operation. Ref: S6680  

Nock, O S (ed).
D&C, 1966.
Octavo, 348 pages + 32 pages of photo plates, diagrams, jacket, VG. **Aimed at developing countries: sections on civil engineering, motive power, rolling stock and signalling and a good deal on operation. Contributors are men from BR, LSE, Westinghouse, BICC and engineering firms.
Price: £18.00

The First Hundred Years. [Sydney-Goulburn Railway : 1869-1969.] Ref: S7554  

Oberg, L.
Canberra, 1973 : Traction (3nd edition and 2nd by this publisher).
Quarto, 60 pages, photo illustrations, map, card covers, VG+. **Railway History series No 731. The line must have been about 125 miles. It's still there, with an interesting looking roundhouse in the vicinity of Goulburn Station.
Price: £10.00

Dampf Über Australien Und Neuseeland. Ref: S7647  

Oczko, G.
Munich, 1990 : Gondrom.
Large quarto, 160 page colour photo album, captions, not much text, in German, glazed boards, fine. **Steam in Australia and New Zealand. Most, if not all, photos taken since 1970.
Price: £16.00

On The Best Methods Of Railway Construction For The Development Of New Countries, As Illustrated By The Railway Systems Of South Australia. Ref: S2969  

Patterson, R C.
1879, excerpt Proc Inst CE.
Octavo, 70 pages, tables, 3 large folding plates of drawings, all edges gilt, new cloth. Fine.
Price: £32.00

Die Eisenbahn In China. Das staatliche Eisenbahnunternehmen der Volksrepublik China in Wort und Bild. Ref: S7273  

Petersen, J.
Stuttgart, 1983 : Motorbuch.
Large landscape quarto, 119 page colour and b/w pictorial history, German text, jacket, near fine. ** Studies of Chinese railways by Westerners are necessarily limited by travel restrictions; a large proportion of the photos in this history were taken during the author's journeys in China, but illustrations from other sources are included.
Price: £16.00

West From Omaha. A railroader's odyssey. Ref: S1004  

Pfeifer, J A.
1990 PFM.
Square folio, 208 page colour photo album, VG/F in jacket. **Mainly steam in the 1950s, some early diesel. Author worked for UP but other western roads also feature.
Price: £40.00

Borsig. Ein Name Geht Um Die Welt. Die Geschichte des Hauses Borsig und seiner Lokomotiven. Ref: S5521  

Pierson, K.
Berlin, 1973: Rembrandt.
Large octavo, 200 pages, 105 photo illustrations, site plan, German text, green cloth boards, no jacket, near fine. **History of the Borsig locomotive building company.
Price: £28.00

Lokomotiven Aus Berlin. Ref: S5557  

Pierson, K.
Stuttgart, 1977: Motorbuch.
Square quarto, 163 pages, 129 illustrations, bibliography, works plans, German text, jacket, near fine. **History of the Berlin locomotive building industry.
Price: £28.00

The Richmond Vale Railway. Ref: S6022  

Preston, R G.
Hornsby, NSW, 1990: Shepp Books.
Large quarto, 112 pages, b/w and colour illustrations, maps and track plans, locomotive details, card covers, fine. **Industrial steam down under.
Price: £20.00

Sammlung Von Übersichtsplänen Wichtiger Abzweigungsstationen Der Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. Ref: S6678  

Freiburg, 1981 : Eisenbahn-Kurier reprint of 1914 edition.
Octavo, xxxv + 102 pages, German text, card covers, fine. ** 102 pages of station and district rail plans in complicated areas, with index.
Price: £20.00

Die Kleinbahnen Des Kreises Jerichow I. Die Geshichte einer ehemaligen Schmalspurbahn. Ref: S7772  

Röper, H.
Dresden, 1988 : Deutscher Modelleisenbahn-Verband.
Folio, 40 pages, photo illustrations, map, station layouts, 3 pages of large clear rolling stock drawings, stock lists, card covers, minor damage to the rear cover, but generally VG and of better quality than most Iron Curtain publications. **History of a lost narrow gauge line in the country east of Magdeburg.
Jerichow I (it is a letter I, not a figure one) is puzzling, as the line does not come within 17km of Jerichow, although it does pass through Wüstenjerichow, some 45 km to the south. The I is a complete mystery but the line is referred to as KJ I throughout, so it has not crept into the title by accident.
Price: £20.00

Lexikon Metros De Welt. Geschichte : Technik : Betrieb. Ref: S6186  

Rudorf, S (ed).
Berlin, 1985: Transpress.
Large octavo, 378 pages, photo illustrations, diagrams, maps, tables, German text, jacket worn on reverse, generally VG.
Price: £20.00

McCulloch's Wonder. The story of the Kettle Valley Railway. Ref: S6184  


Sanford, B.
Vancouver, BC,1977: Whitecap.
Octavo, 250 pages, photos, maps, jacket, a little edge wear but generally VG+. **From the mines of Southern British Columbia to the west coast, this railway presented enormous challenges to its constructors and operators.
Price: £18.00

Little Railways Of The World. Ref: S6437  


Shaw, F.
Berkeley, Ca, 1958: Howell-North.
Large octavo, 261 pages, photo illustrations and locomotive drawings, maps/track plans, red cloth boards stamped with locomotive illustration, jacket, near fine. **Appreciative studies of narrow and minimum gauge railways mainly in America and Britain, but includes the Otavi Mining & Railway Co in Southwest Africa, the Shanghai-Woosung Railway and the Darjeeling-Himalaya Railway.
Price: £24.00

Railways Of Boston. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority system. Ref: S7763  

Simms, W F.
1999, published by the author.
Octavo, 64 pages, litho'd typescript, maps, photo illustrations, comprehensive stock lists, card covers, fine. **A concise, fact-packed history. Wilfrid Simms was an Englishman who made himself a niche in writing up otherwise unregarded overseas railways.
Price: £8.00

Private Railways Of Denmark. Ref: S5842  

Simms, W.
Rustington, West Sussex, 2000: published by the author.
Octavo, 76 pages, photo illustrations, maps, stock lists, card covers, fine.
Price: £10.00

Eisenbahn-Panorama Böhmen Und Mähren. Ref: S6930  

Slezak, J O.
Vienna, 1986: Slezak.
Large octavo, 96 page photo album of early railways in what is now the Czech Republic, laminated boards, fine.
Price: £17.00

+ Rails To The Diggings. Construction railroads of the Panama Canal. Ref: S8052  


Small, C S.
Railroad Monographs 1981.
Large quarto, 223 pages, many illustrations: photos, maps, diagrams, track plans, locomotive rosters, card covers, square back, VG+. **This description of the contractors' railways is necessarily almost a history of the construction of the canal, a titanic endeavour on a scale then unprecedented. Some staggering photos, a terrific book.
Price: £25.00

Far Wheels. A railroad safari. Ref: S7674  

Small, C S.
Cleaver Hume, 1959.
Octavo, 166 pages, photo illustrations, some maps, loco lists, jacket, VG. **Obscure and exotic steam railways including Eritrea, Madagascar, Ethiopia, Jamaica, Kivu, Fiji, Peru.
Price: £18.00

The Cincinnati, Georgetown and Portsmouth Railroad. Ref: S7735  

Smalley, S B.
Wyoming, OH, 1975 : Trolley Talk.
Octavo, 80 pages, photo illustrations, map, time table extracts, electric car roster, card covers, near fine. **The CG&P (come, gentlemen and push) Railroad was a 42 mile feeder to the Pennsylvania and the Norfolk & Western at Cincinnati. This is a collection of historic photographs of the line, which are not so much captioned as used as the basis for the text.
Price: £8.00

Tramvie E Ferrovie Elettriche Per Roma E Dintorni. Ref: S7773  

Società delle Tramvie e Ferrovie Elettriche di Roma.
Rome, 1901.
Large octavo, 31 pages + 4 pages of maps, photo illustrations (tourist sites on the routes), card covers, VG. ** The proposal of a company set up to provide trams in Rome and railways from Rome to Ostia and to Frascati and Genzano.
Price: £18.00

Bahnhöfe Der Schweiz. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Ref: S7867  

Stutz, W.
Zurich, 1983 : Orell Füssli.
Octavo, 283 pages, illustrated with photographs, drawings and some diagrams, German text, jacket, VG+. A handbook of Swiss railway station architecture. The first 100 pages are an illustrated essay on aspects of station design; the remaining pages are a catalogue of stations, some very grand and some in Swiss domestic style. Dates, architects, contractors and other details are given; not all are illustrated. There are also endnotes, a bibliography and an index.
Price: £16.00

Steam From Kenya To The Cape. Ref: S7367  

Talbot, E.
CRC, 1975.
Quarto, 88 pages, photo illustrations, extensive locomotive lists, maps, touring notes and tips, jacket faded on spine, otherwise a fine copy. ** An enthusiast's guide to the steam locomotives of East, Central and South Africa.
Price: £14.00

Järnvägen Borås-Ulricehamn-Jönköping. Ref: S6795  

Thulin, B.
Kungälv, 1990: Svenska Järnvägsklub.
Square octavo, 252 pages, well illustrated, photos, maps, track plans, scale drawings, Swedish text, printed cloth boards, fine. ** Svenska Järnvägsklub Skriftserie nr 50. This is a numbered series of histories produced since the 1960s by Sweden's principal railway society.
Price: £21.00

+ To The Great Ocean. The taming of Siberia and the building of the Trans-Siberian railway. Ref: S8053  

Tupper, H.
Secker & Warburg 1965, first edition.
Large octavo, 536 pages, photo illustrations, bibliography, general map on end papers and detailed maps in the text, repairs to jacket otherwise VG+ **Readable account of this immense railway enterprise, until very recently one of the world's great railway journeys.
Price: £28.00

Six And A Half Inches From Destiny. The first hundred years of the Melbourne - Wodonga Railway 1873 - 1973. Ref: S7675  

Turton, K.
Australian Railway Historical Society, 1973.
Quarto, 133 pages, photos, maps, dust jacket, near fine.
Price: £18.00

Slow Train To Paradise. How Dutch investment helped build American railroads. Ref: S7820  


Veenendaal, A J.
Stanford, Ca, 1996 : Stanford Univ Press.
Large octavo, 350 pages + 22 pages of photo plates, jacket, near fine. **Academic study of an interesting aspect of American railway development. The unexpectedly readable history occupies only half the volume, the remainder being taken up by extensive statistical appendices.
Price: £20.00

Comprehensive Railroad Atlas Of North America : California And Nevada. Ref: S7880  


Walker, M.
SPV, 1994.
Folio, 88 page atlas, card covers, slight damage to rear cover otherwise VG+. ** 69 map pages + introduction, gazetteer etc. Covers Yukon, Northern Territories, British Columbia and Alberta, showing all common carrier, tourist and major industrial railroads in operation in 1993, plus abandoned routes. Despite its age it is the best available; indeed better than anything published in the US.
Price: £10.00

Southland's Pioneer Railways 1864 - 1878. Ref: S6055  

Watt, J O P.
Wellington, 1965: NZRLS
Octavo, 72 pages, photo illustrations, diagrams, map, printed boards, cloth backstrip, VG+.
Price: £12.00

Die Westbahnstrecke I. Dieser Band behandelt die Strecke Wien - Linz ver der Elektrifizierung. Ref: S6058  


Wegenstein, P & others.
Vienna, 1979: Pospischil.
Octavo, 96 page album, route diagram, laminated boards, German text, near fine. **#8 of the extensive Bahn Im Bild series; there is a five page introduction (including a list of stations with mileages) to the briefly-captioned photos. Steam between Vienna and Linz.
Price: £12.00

+ Railways Of India. Ref: S8054  

Westwood, J N.
David & Charles, 1974.
Octavo, 192 pages, photo illustrations, line maps, jacket, fine copy. **A useful introductory history for a country where there is a sparsity of railway history coverage.
Price: £17.00

On The Narrow Gauge. Ref: S7552  


Whitehouse, P B.
1964, Thomas Nelson.
Octavo, 148 pages + 64 pages of photos, jacket, VG+. **British Isles and some European. A very readable book.
Price: £18.00

Lost Horizons. The story of the Rathbun Company and the Bay Of Quinte Railway. Ref: S6248  


Wilson, D M.
Belleville, Ont, 1983: Mika.
Folio, 200 pages, well illustrated: photos, maps and plans, pale jacket soiled, otherwise a very good copy of a scarce book. **Canada: the rise and fall of a company with strong railway interests in Ontario.
Price: £30.00

Dampflokomotiven Der Deutschen Reichsbahn 1970-1988. Ref: S7384  

Wollny, B & Fiegenbaum, W.
Stuttgart, 1989 : Motorbuch.
Oblong quarto, 192 page photo album, 187 b/w and colour photos, laminated boards, fine. **Very fine images of the time-warp period in Eastern Germany.
Price: £24.00

British Owned Railways In Argentina. Their effect on the growth of economic nationalism 1854-1948. Ref: S6514  


Wright, W R.
Austin, Tx, 1974: Univ Texas Press.
Large octavo, 305 pages, extensive bibliography, clean copy from the Railway Studies Library, Newton Abbot (and previously Wiltshire CC: scar of removed label on front endpaper; neat stamp on title page carefully covered by plain white, but not entirely opaque, label) otherwise near fine. **Fairly scarce academic study.
Price: £30.00

Tracks To The Sea. Galveston and Western Railroad development 1866-1900. Ref: S6407  


Young, E B.
College Station, Tx, 1999: Texas A&M Univ Press.
Octavo, 158 pages, a few illustrations, reference notes, bibliography, jacket, fine. **The opening up of Texas, and particularly of Galveston as a major port, inevitably brought rivalry between the railroad kings. This is an academic history of a fairly turbulent period.
Price: £18.00

U-Bahn Und S-Bahn In München. Planung und Gestaltung eines modernen Verkehrsmittels. Ref: S7605  

Zimniok, K et al.
Eppstein im Taunus, 1968 : Zimmer
Large squarish quarto, 54 pages, map, photos, drawings, German text, card covers, VG+. **Munich : semi-official publication describing in some detail the building (or rebuilding) of the public transport rail system in the city.
Price: £6.00

Online Catalogue |  Out Of Print Showcase |  International Railways: Authors M - Z


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