Online Catalogue | Out Of Print Showcase | International Railways: Authors M - Z
Das Lied Der Dampflok. Ein archiv in wort, bild und ton. Ref: S7556
Souvenirs Ferroviaires Du Languedoc Ref: S5687
Rock Island Color Pictorial - Volume 3 - the final decade. Ref: S7774
Steel And Rails In Newcastle. Ref: S7715
China By Rail. Ref: S6145
Chemins De Fer Et Canaux. Etude sur le prix de revient des transports, par voie ferrée et par voie navigable. Ref: S3352
Single Line Railways. A handbook of management, engineering, and operation. Ref: S6680
The First Hundred Years. [Sydney-Goulburn Railway : 1869-1969.] Ref: S7554
Dampf Über Australien Und Neuseeland. Ref: S7647
On The Best Methods Of Railway Construction For The Development Of New Countries, As Illustrated By The Railway Systems Of South Australia. Ref: S2969
Die Eisenbahn In China. Das staatliche Eisenbahnunternehmen der Volksrepublik China in Wort und Bild. Ref: S7273
West From Omaha. A railroader's odyssey. Ref: S1004
Borsig. Ein Name Geht Um Die Welt. Die Geschichte des Hauses Borsig und seiner Lokomotiven. Ref: S5521
Lokomotiven Aus Berlin. Ref: S5557
The Richmond Vale Railway. Ref: S6022
Sammlung Von Übersichtsplänen Wichtiger Abzweigungsstationen Der Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. Ref: S6678
Die Kleinbahnen Des Kreises Jerichow I. Die Geshichte einer ehemaligen Schmalspurbahn. Ref: S7772
Lexikon Metros De Welt. Geschichte : Technik : Betrieb. Ref: S6186
McCulloch's Wonder. The story of the Kettle Valley Railway. Ref: S6184
Little Railways Of The World. Ref: S6437
Railways Of Boston. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority system. Ref: S7763
Private Railways Of Denmark. Ref: S5842
Eisenbahn-Panorama Böhmen Und Mähren. Ref: S6930
+ Rails To The Diggings. Construction railroads of the Panama Canal. Ref: S8052
Far Wheels. A railroad safari. Ref: S7674
The Cincinnati, Georgetown and Portsmouth Railroad. Ref: S7735
Tramvie E Ferrovie Elettriche Per Roma E Dintorni. Ref: S7773
Bahnhöfe Der Schweiz. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Ref: S7867
Steam From Kenya To The Cape. Ref: S7367
Järnvägen Borås-Ulricehamn-Jönköping. Ref: S6795
+ To The Great Ocean. The taming of Siberia and the building of the Trans-Siberian railway. Ref: S8053
Six And A Half Inches From Destiny. The first hundred years of the Melbourne - Wodonga Railway 1873 - 1973. Ref: S7675
Slow Train To Paradise. How Dutch investment helped build American railroads. Ref: S7820
Comprehensive Railroad Atlas Of North America : California And Nevada. Ref: S7880
Southland's Pioneer Railways 1864 - 1878. Ref: S6055
Die Westbahnstrecke I. Dieser Band behandelt die Strecke Wien - Linz ver der Elektrifizierung. Ref: S6058
+ Railways Of India. Ref: S8054
On The Narrow Gauge. Ref: S7552
Lost Horizons. The story of the Rathbun Company and the Bay Of Quinte Railway. Ref: S6248
Dampflokomotiven Der Deutschen Reichsbahn 1970-1988. Ref: S7384
British Owned Railways In Argentina. Their effect on the growth of economic nationalism 1854-1948. Ref: S6514
Tracks To The Sea. Galveston and Western Railroad development 1866-1900. Ref: S6407
U-Bahn Und S-Bahn In München. Planung und Gestaltung eines modernen Verkehrsmittels. Ref: S7605
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