Gallery - pictures of some of our books
Here is a mini-section to display some of the more attractive-looking books in our stock. The section is relatively new, not all the pictures do justice to the originals, I am on a learning curve here. Note that the pop-up windows can be re-sized to fit odd-shaped or oversized images.
Along The Route Of The Blue Train.
Ref: G11
London - Paris - Mediterranean Coast. Anderson, Alan. Brockhampton Press, nd. Landscape format, approx 6" x 3", 63 pages, card covers, photo and line illustrations, strip route maps, ex library with stamp and marks but otherwise near fine. **Illustrated booklet for children, describing interesting features of the route. At least one illustration (mostly photos) per opening. Most of the descriptions relate to the railway - trains, stations, signalling etc and the series benefits somewhat from not being restricted to the "from either side" format.
Fifty Years Of Western Express Running.
Ref: S3440G
Nock, O S. Edward Everard, 1954. Quarto, 354 pages, 8 colour plates, 79 b/w illustrations, 107 performance tables, 6 folding gradient plates, some wear to jacket, but generally VG. **Handsomely produced book on Nock's favourite subject.
Holiday Haunts 1947.
Ref: S8064G
Great Western Railway. Large octavo, 656 pages, folding GWR system map in pocket, details of each holiday resort, sepia photos of beauty spots, etc, hotel and boarding house advertising. Pictorial card covers with bathing belle, VG+.
Hydraulic Power.
Ref: S6627G
McNeil, I. Longmans, 1972. Octavo, 197 pages + 12 pages of plates, bibliography and extensive list of sources, jacket, near fine. **From the Longmans' Industrial Archaeology series: the development of the theory of hydraulic power in the seventeenth century, its remarkable growth in the nineteenth and the many ingenious uses for it are scientifically documented in this highly readable work.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
Ref: S8069
Rolt, L T C. Longmans, 1957: 1st edition. Octavo, 345 pages, photo plates, a little wear to book and jacket at head of spine, otherwise a near fine copy. **Classic engineering biography.
Osborne's Railway Time Table And Literary Companion March 1858.
Ref: S7883G
Osborne, E C. Birmingham, 1858, Osborne. Small format, approximately 20 pages of time tables, 12 pages of Literary Companion, + as much again of advertisements, pictorial paper covers, VG. **Birmingham area train services, with a handsome cover illustration of a train emerging from an ornate tunnel mouth. The time tables show MR, GWR and LNWR services to New Street, Snow Hill and other stations in the immediate area. There are also some omnibus tables. The Literary Companion comprises a short story and some discussion of current affairs.
SECR Public Passenger Time Tables Summer 1922.
Ref: S8094G
South Eastern and Chatham Railway. 124 pages + 2 fold-out maps, pictorial wrappers. Covers worn and chipped at edges, lower corner bumped, but clean and sound inside. 11.6.22 ufn.
Official Guide. Summer Tours In Scotland: Glasgow To The Highlands.
Ref: S2862G
David MacBrayne Ltd. 1883. Small octavo, 112 pages + folding map and 16 plates, handsome gilt stamped boards, with paddle steamer, previous owner's initials bold on endpaper, part of title page missing, with loss of first two lines of index on reverse, otherwise a near fine copy. ** Handsome Victorian publicity, factual details of sailings, boats etc, and enticing descriptions of tours available. Note that the cover is brown, not blue. Mysteriously the camera re-coloured it. My attempt to edit it back to brown was not successful.
The Track Of The Coronation Scot. A running commentary on the journey from London to Glasgow by the west coast route.
Ref: S5510G
London Midland & Scottish Railway. LMS, nd c1938. Booklet, similar in shape to triple-fold A4 leaflet, but taller, 32 pages, illustrated with diagrammatic maps of the line, blue art deco card covers (6220 at speed), staples slightly rusty, part of menu inscribed inside front cover in an unsteady hand (done in the train?) otherwise VG+. **Number 3 in the LMS Book Of The Train series. Two pages extolling the new locomotives and carriages are followed by a milage table and a two-page introduction. The remainder of the book is a series of diagrammatic maps of the route from Euston to Glasgow Central showing bridges, junctions, rivers, towns and other sights of interest on either side. There is a full map of the route on the centre spread.
The Traveller's Guide To India, Australia, China And The Far East.
Ref: S5421G
Henry King & Co. London, 1899. Duodecimo, 128 pages, with several maps tipped in, light card covers, some wear but generally in very good condition. **Henry King & Co were travel agents in London. Their guide offers quantities of practical information for the traveller, including details of the overland route to Brindisi for onward travel through the Suez canal. The web site program does not like our thumbnail image of this guide and has refused to include it. Admittedly it is not colourful but you might have liked to see it. I'll try again later.
Victories Of The Engineer.
Ref: S8070G
Williams, Archibald. Nelson, 5th edition undated (circa 1925) Crown octavo, 428 pages, coloured frontispiece, many illustrations and diagrams, pictorial cloth binding, near fine copy. **Includes railways, train ferries, ship building, bridges, dams, canals, aqueducts, harbours, tunnels, mining and hydro electric power. Illustration on front board is of a North British train on the Forth Bridge.