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The Locomotives Of The North Eastern Railway. Ref: S2933  

Maclean, J S.
Newcastle, 1923: Robinson & Co; 2nd edition.
Quarto, 120 pages with numerous photo illustrations and drawings, newly rebound in dark green cloth, near fine copy.
Price: £50.00

Diesels On The Regions. Southern Region. Ref: S7318  

Marsden, C J.
OPC, 1984.
Large quarto, 96 page album of diesels on the Southern Region, maps, jacket, fine.
Price: £16.00

A History Of Railway Locomotives Down To The End Of The Year 1831. Ref: S7836  

Marshall, D.
Locomotive Publishing Company, 1953.
Folio, 272 pages, diagrams, photos and drawings, cloth, no jacket, a VG copy. **Twenty-one chapters on the work of early British engineers (mostly one per chapter), and three more general chapters on work in Europe and America.
Price: £150.00

The Locomotives Of The London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, 1903-1923. Ref: S5869  

Maskelyne, J N.
Locomotive Publishing Co, 1928.
Small octavo, 156 pages + frontispiece and 8 other photo plates (four coloured), line drawings, stiff card covers, terrier drawing on front board, near fine.
Price: £30.00

The NZR Garratt Story. Ref: S6815  


McClare, E J.
Wellington, 1978: NZRLS.
Quarto, 100 pages, photo illustrations, diagrams, edge wear to jacket, otherwise near fine. **Not common. In his foreword, the CME of NZ Railways comments: The Garratts were introduced with high hopes of revolutionising train handling on the centre section of the Main Trunk, but they were an over-ambitious design and could not be used to full capacity because they were incompatible with rolling stock drawgear strength, operating conditions and track terrain. They tested the patience of enginemen and the ingenuity of the engineers trying to improve their performance.
Price: £24.00

The Locomotive Up To Date. Ref: S3132  

McShane, C.
Chicago: Griffin & Winters, 1900.
Octavo, 711 pages + advertisements, photos, drawings, diagrams, charts, recent dark blue cloth, near fine. **In-depth study of the American locomotive of the time: design, construction, mechanical details, operation, maintenance etc etc.
Price: £45.00

The Railroad Passenger Car. An illustrated history of the first hundred years. Ref: S7494  


Mencken, A.
Baltimore, 1957 : John Hopkins.
Square quarto, 209 pages with photos, contemporary illustrations and diagrams in the text, jacket marked but generally VG. **The development of the passenger coach in the USA. Not common.
Price: £22.00

+ Locomotives & Railcars Of The Spanish Narrow Gauge Public Railways. Ref: S8062  

Morley, J & Spencer, P.
Industrial Railway Society 1995.
Octavo, 157 pages + extensive photo section, detailed motive power listings in the usual IRS style, laminated card covers, fine copy.
Price: £15.00

Der Dampfbetrieb Der Schweizerischen Eisenbahnen 1847-1966. Ref: S6761  

Moser, A.
Basel, 1967: Birkhauser, 3rd edn.
Large quarto, 426 pages, 412 illustrations, 26 tables, German text, grey cloth, VG+. **The standard reference work on all Swiss steam locomotives.
Price: £42.00

Buchli-Oldtimer Der Schweiz. Electrolokomotiven mit legendärer Technik. Ref: S7874  

Nef, W.
Munich, 2003 : Geramond.
Octavo, 143 pages, photos (some colour), drawings, diagrams, tabulated statistics, bibliography, German text, glazed boards, fine. **Development and deployment of classic electric traction in Switzerland : Ae 3/6; Ae 4/7; Ae 8/14 and related types. Includes a modelling section.
Price: £15.00

British Steam Locomotives At Work. Ref: S8012  

Nock, O S.
Allen & Unwin 1967.
Large octavo, 276 pages, nearly 100 photo illustrations on plates, performance tables, some shelf wear to book and jacket, generally VG+. **An account of locomotive working from the great days of the later 1930s, through the immediate aftermath of world war II to the "St Martin's Summer" of the early 1950s.
Price: £18.00

The Great Western Stars Castles & Kings. Ref: S7470  

Nock, O S.
D&C, 1967, 1970.
Quarto, 2 volumes, each 160 pages with many illustrations, jackets; the jacket to Volume 1 is worn, and a corner is slightly bumped, it only rates VG; Volume 2 is near fine. **In the Locomotive Monograph series. Part 1 : 1906 - 1930; Part 2 : 1930 - 1965.
Price: £30.00

The Gresley Pacifics. Omnibus edition combining parts 1 & 2. Ref: S7856  

Nock, O S.
Guild, 1985.
Quarto, each 284 pages, photo illustrations and technical drawings, performance tables, slight damage and fading to jacket, book fine. **Standard reference: one of the highly respected Locomotive Monograph series.
Price: £16.00

The Locomotives Of Sir Nigel Gresley. Ref: S6818  

Nock, O S.
PSL, 1991, 2nd edition enlarged.
Large octavo, 208 pages, 37 pages of plates, portrait frontispiece, photo illustrations, performance tables, jacket, near fine. **The original edition of 1945 was Ossie's first book; he must have been gratified to get O V Bulleid to write the Foreward. Bulleid described the book as instructive and enjoyable; further comment would surely be superfluous.
Price: £16.00

The Royal Scots And Patriots Of The LMS. Ref: S5462  

Nock, O S.
D&C, 1978.
Small quarto, 96 pages, photos, detailed drawings, graphs, locomotive lists, performance tables, jacket, spine faded otherwise fine. **Locomotive monograph series, packed with information not easily obtainable elsewhere.
Price: £14.00

Some Views in the workshops and a few examples of the locomotives built therein by Peckett & Sons Ltd, Atlas Locomotive Works, St George, Bristol. Ref: S6382  


Peckett & Sons Ltd.
Bristol, nd probably late 1920s.
Oblong octavo, 78 pages with views of the works and the various shops, and examples of locomotives built. Embossed blue card covers (4-4-0T), VG+. *An attractive trade publication; 20 locomotives are shown, with brief details. No corner of the works has escaped the photographer, not even the back yard.
Price: £60.00

+ Steam Locomotive Design, Data And Formulae. Ref: S8060  


Phillipson, E A.
Locomotive Publishing Co 1936, first edition.
Octavo, 444 pages, photo frontispiece (Quicksilver), 27 folding plates of technical drawings, 62 figures in text, publisher's blue cloth slight wear and fading on the spine, generally a very good copy. **Considered to be superior to the later reprint. The original owner appears to have been the recipient of the Derby Society of Engineers' Chief Patron's prize, and, having lavished his winnings (2gns) on the book, gummed the Society's letter to him onto the endpaper.
Price: £30.00

Porter Steam Locomotives. Light and heavy. Ref: S2208  


Porter, H K & Co.
13th edition locomotive catalogue, undated but about 1925 - 1928*.
Large quarto, 152 pages in the usual style with photos and specifications, and much other information besides. Card covers, two tape repairs at foot and head of spine, otherwise a clean and respectable copy. Very scarce. **H K Porter of Pittsburgh built mainly the smaller types of locomotives for short line, narrow gauge and industrial use in the USA and for export. They claimed to have capacity for locomotives up to 190 tons but there is little practical evidence of that in this catalogue. European catalogues tended to be bald statements of recent deliveries but this catalogue has a vast amount of additional information to help the customer choose the right locomotive. *11th edition was 1915 and they seem to have appeared at about 6-7 year intervals.
Price: £200.00

Stanier 4-6-0s At Work. Ref: S7462  

Powell, A.J.
1983, Ian Allan.
Large quarto, 144 pages, photos, diagrams and tables, jacket, near fine copy. **The story of Stanier's 4-6-0 designs - Royal Scots, Jubilees and Black Fives - their early development and modification and their performance over 30 years.
Price: £18.00

Stanier Pacifics At Work. Ref: S7210  

Powell, A.J.
Ian Allan, 1986.
Large quarto, 144 pages, photos, tables, some detailed diagrams of locomotive components and other drawings, jacket, near fine copy.
Price: £24.00

Steam Locomotives Of The Ulster Transport Authority. Volume 1. Ref: S7001  

Pue, R J A.
Cuan Press, 1997.
Large landscape quarto, 255 pages, many large photo illustrations, dimensions and details, no narrative, laminated card covers, near fine. **We have never encountered Volume 2.
Price: £24.00

Recent Locomotives. Illustrations with descriptions and specifications and details, of recent American and European locomotives, reprinted from the Railroad Gazette. Ref: S3990  


Railroad Gazette, The.
NY, 1886; reprinted Novato, Ca, 1972: Gregg.
Large folio, 112 pages + 525 figures on plates, some folding. Cloth, one leaf detached, otherwise VG+. **Handsome reprint of the second, enlarged, edition of this fine publication. Excellent drawings of locomotives and their details, many are British. Includes an explanatory chapter on the newfangled compound locomotives.
Price: £50.00

Steam Locomotives Of The East African Railways. Ref: S5867  

Ramaer, R.
1975, D&C. (Locomotive Monographs series).
Quarto, 96 pages, photo illustrations and drawings, jacket, fine.
Price: £21.00

+ Locomotives Of The LNER. Part 10A: Departmental Stock, Locomotive Sheds, Boiler And Tender Numbering. Ref: S8061  

RCTS (ed E V Fry).
RCTS 1988.
Small quarto, 140 pages + photo illustrations (149 photos) and folding table, photos, drawings, statistical tables. Card covers, fine copy.
Price: £14.00

Locomotives Of The LNER. Part 9B: Tank Engines - Classes Q1 To Z5. Ref: S6233  

RCTS (ed E V Fry).
RCTS, 1977.
Small quarto, 116 pages, photos, drawings, statistical tables, green card covers, VG+. **Classes Q1, R1, S1, T1, U1 (Garratt), V1, V3, X1-3, Y1-10, Z4 and Z5.
Price: £14.00

Locomotives Of The Great Western Railway. Part Ten Absorbed Engines 1921-1947. Ref: S5831  


RCTS, 1966.
Octavo, 280 pages + approximately 156 pages of photo and line illustrations, a coloured frontispiece and four pages of maps of Welsh and M&SWJct lines. Card covers, VG+.
Price: £30.00

Locomotives Of The LNER. Part 3B: Tender Engines - Classes D1 To D12. Ref: S7068  

RCTS, 1980.
Small quarto, 108 pages + frontispiece and 47 other photo plates, loco lists, other statistical tables. Card covers, fine.
Price: £18.00

Crewe Locomotive Works And Its Men. Ref: S7723  

Reed, B.
D&C, 1985.
Large octavo, 256 pages, photo illustrations on plates, line diagrams, jacket, fine. **The most detailed history of any British locomotive works.
Price: £18.00

Great Western Railway Gas Turbines. A myth exposed. Ref: S7705  

Robertson, K.
Alan Sutton,1989.
Small quarto, 213 pages, photos and line illustrations, tables, jacket, fine. ** The full story of the gas turbine locomotives, the build-up to their operation and the results they achieved in service, as well as the delays and problems they encountered. The gas turbine was seen as a potentially more advanced form of traction than diesel or electic, promising more power for the same financial outlay. "Perhaps the ultimate example of the independent attitude of the GWR".
Price: £16.00

LMS Locomotives. Ref: S6771  

Robinson, E E.
Egham: Robinson, 1934-5.
Three octavo booklets, 10; 18 and 13 pages, lists, some photos, card covers, VG+. **The booklets are:
The Claughton And Baby Scot Classes (Class Book No 1);
The Standard 3-cyl 4-4-0 Compound Passenger Class (Class Book No 2) and
The L&NWR 4-cylinder 4-4-0 Compound Passenger Engines & The 2-cylinder "Renown" Class Simples (Handbook No W1).
Each booklet contains class notes and comprehensive lists, giving LMS and pre-1923 numbers, names and dates. Class Book No 2 contains a note about the projected series, listing the two others catalogued here, but no more.
Price: £14.00

+ A Hunslet Hundred. One hundred years of locomotive building by the Hunslet Engine Company. Ref: S8063  


Rolt, L T C.
David & Charles, 1964.
Octavo, 177 pages + 26 pages of photo illus and a series of folding site plans at various dates. Presentation label at front. Jacket worn, with short tear, book generally VG. **Centenary history, commissioned by the Company, of the celebrated Leeds locomotive builders, then still prosperous.
Price: £22.00

'Halls', 'Granges', & 'Manors' At Work. Ref: S7569  

Rutherford, M.
1985, Ian Allan.
Quarto, 128 pages, many photos, drawings and diagrams, lists, tables, jacket, fine. **One of the At Work series on on the major steam and diesel classes, well illustrated and authoritative.
Price: £18.00

Locomotives. Extrait du catalogue général 1910 - No 4. Ref: S6731  

SA Saint-Léonard (machines & outils), Liége (Belgique).
Liége, 1910.
Folio, 30 pages, photo illustrations with main dimensions below, French/English/German/Italian/Spanish glossary of locomotive terms, otherwise French text, paper wrappers, VG+. **A range of muscular-looking tank and tender locomotives and some tram engines.
Price: £50.00

B&O Power. Steam, diesel and electric locomotives of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 1829-1964. Ref: S7656  


Sagle, L & Staufer, A.
Remsen Corners, OH, 1964 : Staufer Publications.
Large quarto, 351 pages, hundreds of photo illustrations, detailed rosters, jacket, VG.
Price: £40.00

La Machine Locomotive. Manuel pratique donnant la description des organes et du fonctionnement de la locomotive à l'usage des mécaniciens et des chauffeurs. Ref: S3263  

Sauvage, E.
Paris: Beranger, 1908, 5th edition.
Crown octavo, 388 pages, 310 diagrams, French text, red cloth and gilt, slight wear to cloth, but generally VG. **For many years 'Sauvage' was the standard French text book on locomotive management; the author was CME of the Chemins de Fer de l'Est.
Price: £16.00

The Last Days Of Industrial Steam. Ref: S6236  

Sawford, E.
Sutton, 1991.
Quarto, 156 page album, 5 page introduction plus 4/5 page introductions to each of the two sections: narrow and standard gauge, jacket, fine. **A very good selection of pictures.
Price: £15.00

Fahrzeugeportrait Reihe 310. Ref: S5810  

Schropfer, H.
Stuttgart, 2001: Transpress.
Large octavo, 126 pages, colour and b/w illustrations, tables, drawings, German text, laminated boards, fine. **Class portrait of the Golsdorf Austrian 2-6-4 express locomotives.
Price: £20.00

Some Design Considerations Of Main Line Diesel Locomotives. Ref: S6384  

Schur, T.
Excerpt Jnl Inst Loco Engineers, 1959.
Octavo, 84 pages, text figures, disbound and stapled into serviceable card covers with paper backstrip, fine.
Price: £14.00

Mechanical Engineering: Railways. Ref: S4414  

Snell, J B.
Longmans, 1971.
Octavo, 177 pages + 16 pages of plates, line drawings in text, bibliography with notes, jacket, near fine. **From the Longmans' Industrial Archaeology series: a study of the development of the early steam locomotive and the alternative forms of motive power over which it ultimately prevailed. "Though as offensive to scientific theoreticians in 1830 as in 1971, its very real practical virtues kept it the prime mover until the beginning of the end of the railway age".
Price: £16.00

Great Western Broad Gauge Album. Ref: S2336  

Steele, A K.
1972, OPC.
Large oblong octavo, 80 pages, one photo per page, jacket, fine. **A classic album, locomotive portraits are in the majority but there is also a good number of lineside, station and other views.
Price: £14.00

Classic Steam Locomotives Of New Zealand; Classic Railcars, Electric & Diesel Locomotives Of New Zealand. Ref: S7095  

Stott, B & Heath, E.
Wellington, 1993 : Grantham House.
2 volumes large quarto landscape, each volume 64 pages of double page coloured drawings of side elevations of locomotives, with accompanying brief descriptions, jackets, a little fading at spines, otherwise near fine.
Price: £35.00

The Development Of The Locomotive. A popular history 1803 - 1896. Ref: S7857  

Stretton, C E.
Bracken, 1989, facsimile reprint of 1896 edition (5th).
Octavo, 252 pages, the original was illustrated with photos, clear line drawings and some nice lithos, all reproduced here by offset with varying success (line drawings are best, photos are grey), jacket, near fine. **Stretton's classic locomotive history began, logically enough, with Trevithick's pioneering experiments and chronicled the progress of British and American locomotive engineers up to the high-speed engines of the 1890s.
Price: £16.00

BR Standard Pacifics In Colour. Ref: S5515  

Swinger, P.
Ian Allan, 1994.
Large landscape octavo, 80-page colour album, glazed boards, fine. **As well as the pictures (there seems to be one of each engine), there is a 10-page introduction; there is also a three page essay, "Working with the Britannias" contributed by RHN Hardy.
Price: £10.00

Report On Rail-Roads And Locomotive Engines. Addressed to the Chairman of the commitee of the Liverpool and Manchester projected rail-road. Ref: S7866  

Sylvester, C.
E&W, 1970 reprint of 1825 edition.
Octavo, 39 pages, black buckram with title on front, coloured endpapers and blocked in real gold (it says), jacket, near fine. **The L&M Railway Co was founded in 1823 and already in 1825 was considering the use of steam power on the line. Sylvester, an eminent engineer, studied the working of steam locomotives in the collieries of the north east and concluded that the high-pressure locomotive was the most economical form of power. "A most intriguing report" says O S Nock who wrote the jacket blurb.
Price: £8.00

HMRS Livery Register No 3. LSWR and Southern. Ref: S6867  

Tavender, L.
HMRS, 1970.
Small quarto, 76 pages, photos, diagrams, colour patches, card covers, VG.
Price: £10.00

Les Locomotives Articulées Du Système Mallet Dans Le Monde. Ref: S6436  

Vilain, L-M.
Levallois-Perret, 1978: Picador; 2nd edition revised and enlarged.
Folio, 303 pages, 325 photo illustrations and diagrams in the (French) text, tabulated details. Laminated fold-in card covers, some edge wear, generally VG. **Standard reference and scarce. This volume contains rather more detail than Durrant's earlier work on the same subject.
Price: £45.00

Evolution Du Materiel Moteur Et Roulant De La Cie Du Midi 1855-1934. Ref: S8008  

Vilain, Lucien-Maurice.
Editions Picador 1979.
Quarto, 287 pages, 262 photo illustrations and line drawings, tables, laminated wrapover card covers, fine copy. **Standard reference source material for Midi locomotives. Scarce.
Price: £48.00

Vulcan Locomotives. Ref: S4394  

Vulcan Foundry.
Newton-le-Willows, 1947.
Folio, 94 pages, many illustrations and descriptions of recent products, and a folding plate of a Liberation 2-8-0 (many were built at VF). Handsome decorated green card covers, VG. **One of the last Vulcan steam catalogues - I think there was another about 1953 or '54.
Price: £80.00

Locomotives. W G Bagnall Ltd, Castle Engine Works, Stafford. Ref: S4310  

W G Bagnalls Ltd.
Undated but probably c1955.
Locomotive catalogue. Quarto, 56 pages, well illustrated and with four large folding engineering drawings of an 0-6-0 tank engine. Pictorial card covers and spiral binding. A little wear to covers, but contents VG. **Almost all steam, including some fireless designs, but also one 08 type diesel shunter.
Price: £48.00

The Deltic Locomotives Of British Rail. Ref: S5995  

Webb, B.
D&C, 1982 (2nd Impression).
Large octavo, 96 pages, illustrated with photos and drawings, stock lists, jacket faded at edges, otherwise VG+. **One of the respected D&C Locomotive Monograph/Studies series.
Price: £16.00

La Locomotive A Surchauffe. Ref: S7611  

Weber, A.
1931, Brussels : Buggenhoudt.
Large octavo, 448 pages, 276 illustrations and text diagrams, some on folding plates, tables, French text, cloth, fine copy, scarce. **Published under the auspices of the Haine St Pierre locomotive building company. Technical study of contemporary steam locomotive development.
Price: £30.00

Die Baureihe 94. Ref: S7654  

Wenzel, H.
Solingen, 1973 : Eisenbahn-Kurier .
Octavo, 246 pages, 218 photos, tables, diagrams, German text, light card covers, near fine. ** Class of large 0-10-0T; 128 pages of class history and technical details are followed by a large album section.
Price: £15.00

The Power Of The Black Fives. Ref: S7069  

Whiteley, J S & Morrison, G W.
OPC, 1988.
Large quarto album, 144 pages, dust jacket, fine. **The very last engines to be withdrawn in 1968.
Price: £19.00

BR Steam Locomotives from nationalisation to modernisation. Ref: S5470  

Williams, A & Percival, D.
Ian Allan,
Four volumes, octavo, 79 + 64 + 72 + 80 pages + photo plates, jackets, VG set.
Part 1: Ex-GWR locomotives 1-9799, also ex-War Department and BR Standard locomotives 70000-92250;
Part 2: Ex-SR locomotives 1-2699, C1-40, 21C1-170, W1-34, BR 30001-36001, W1-36;
Part 3: Ex-LMS locomotives 1-28622, BR 40001-58937;
Part 4: Ex-LNER locomotives 1-10000 (BR 60001-69999.
**A complete list of all steam locomotives owned and operated by British Railways since nationalisation, set out in abc style, with class details, numbers, etc.
Price: £65.00

The Compound Principle Applied To Locomotives. Ref: S3105  


Worthington, E.
1889, excerpt Proc Inst CE.
Octavo, 120 pages, 3 large folding plates of diagrams, tables. Old quarter calf rubbed but sound. VG.
Price: £35.00

Locomotive Dictionary. Definitions and illustrations of American locomotives, their parts and equipment, together with typical illustrations of machine tools and devices used in their maintenance and repair. Ref: S3732  

Wright & Mitchell.
New York: Simmons-Boardman, 1916, 4th Edition.
Large quarto, 991 pages, 2565 photo illustrations and drawings. Title page and first few leaves slightly darkened, contents otherwise clean and tightly bound. New binding in heavy millboard, black cloth with bands and gilt on the spine closely replicating the publisher's style. A very good copy of a scarce early edition. **The bible of the American locomotive industry, first published in 1906. The book is on a monumental scale and covers all aspects of steam engine design, construction and maintenance. All original editions before 1940 are scarce in the UK, and this is the first 1916 copy that we have been able to offer.
Price: £350.00

Locomotive Valves And Valve Gears. With a special treatise on valve setting. Ref: S7838  

Yoder, J H & Wharen, G B.
1993 Camden reprint of 1921 New York corrected edition.
Octavo, 272 pages, 274 photo illustrations and drawings in text, maroon cloth without jacket, fine. ** "An explanation of the construction and action of the plain slide valve, the piston valve and the gears which operate them, as applied to locomotives." Mainly American practice but of universal application.
Price: £20.00

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