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Maps & atlases

Online Catalogue |  New Books |  Maps & atlases

The Atlas Of Railway Station Closures. Ref: MA3628  

Very large, 153 pages, including 46 map pages, 30 pages of photo illustrations, remaining pages are the index, which includes closure date of each station, glazed boards. **A valuable new work of railway reference which maps all the standard gauge lines built in Britain and lists the dates when each line and every station was closed. The owner at closure is given, along with the name of the last pre-grouping owner.
Price: £25.00

An Atlas Of The Railways In South West And Central Southern England. Ref: MA3687  

Including the Channel Islands. From 1731 to the present day.
Very large, 432 pages, including 59 map pages, photo illustrations, remaining pages are the introductory sections, the chronology of each railway, and the key pages to each map, including dates for the lines and stations thereon, glazed boards. **The author's longstanding ambition has been to improve the quality of British railway mapping by including more written information and more cartographic detail. The result is a massive tome providing closely meshed historical and geographic data for a large swathe of southern England. And note the date range!
Price: £40.00

Atlas Of The Southern Railway. Ref: MA3471  

Harman & Nichols.
Very large, landscape, 224 pages, including a 68-page gazetteer, glazed boards.**Detailed maps of the SR network throughout its period of operation; completely comprehensive, including single and double lines, sidings, stations, tunnels, signalboxes, level crossings, bridges, viaducts and industrial lines.
Price: £30.00

China Railway Atlas. Ref: MA2465  

Mongolia. Taiwan.
Very large, 46 map pages, coloured; + 16 pages station index, line register etc, soft back. **Third edition, much enlarged.
Price: £20.00

Gazetteer Of The Coal Mines Of South Wales & Monmouthshire From 1854. Ref: MA3632  

Includes a searcheable CD of colliery information.
Very large, 192 pages including 21 pages of maps and 122 pages of photos illustrations, bibliography, appendices, cd in rear pocket, glazed boards. ** The gazetteer itself, which provides a great deal of historical and other information about each mine, is on the cd which accompanies this book. The books contains maps of the area showing mines and their railways together with a large collection of handsome and interesting photos showing the mines and railways in their setting.
Price: £30.00

Liverpool & Manchester Railway Atlas. Ref: MA3808  

Very large, 186 map pages + unpaginated (c50 pages) station and site index, glazed boards. A new atlas by the master of the indispensible London and Birmingham & West Midlands atlases. This one covers an area bounded by the Irish Sea and the Pennines north from Buxton as far as Fleetwood and provides the same detailed mapping to be found in the earlier atlases. The detail embraces tracks and platforms and overall provides a diagrammatic representation of the area's railway history. All maps give current and past track detail with dates, and the index gives opening and closure dates and other details. As well as the railway network the atlas maps the many past and present tramway systems of the area.
Price: £30.00

The London Railway Atlas Then And Now. Ref: MA3500  

Jordan & Smith.
Very large, square format, 112 pages, 45 double-page colour maps, photo illustrations, gazetteer, hard back. **Another instructive and engrossing atlas. This one provides, on facing pages, the 1921 Railway Clearing House London map in 45 sections, each opposite a 2016 map of the lines and stations of precisely the same area. A selection of appropriate 20th and 21st century photo vignettes is included on each page.
Price: £21.95

Mile By Mile. Ref: MA3677  

An illustrated journey on Britain's railways.
Large, 176 pages, route maps, photo illustrations (some colour), chapter headings on details from 1930s posters, matt boards. **A handsome book, in which the three 1947 route maps drawn by Stewart Pike are reproduced, together with a new one in the same style for the (then) GWR, to complete the picture. Each of the four sets of maps is introduced by a brief illustrated history of the company (the original three being, of course, the Southern, the LMS and the LNER). Nicely produced and excellent value.
Price: £20.00

Rail Atlas 1939 - 1945. Ref: MA3216  

Large, 112 pages including 46 map pages, photo illustrations, bibliography, index, glazed boards.**Essential reference for the second world war, the maps show the state of the railways at the outbreak of war, and how they evolved during the period of hostilities. Maps and listings show passenger and freight lines and stations during the war, lines and services temporarily or permanently closed, stations closed, routes opened and military lines.
Price: £20.00

Rail Atlas Europe. Ref: MA3380  

Very large, squarish format, 51 map pages plus 24 pages of urban enlargements; 26 pages gazetteer; 27 pages of introductory notes; other maps giving specialised information (eg test tracks), in total 161 pages, all maps in colour, glazed boards.**Covers all Europe up to the borders of Russia, Belorussia and the Ukraine, a comprehensive atlas.
Price: £27.50

Rail Atlas Of Great Britain And Ireland. 15th Edition. Ref: MA3764  

Large, 152 pages (118 pages of coloured maps plus intro and gazetteer), glazed boards. **Latest edition of the indispensible Baker atlas. Improvements in this edition include a new 24-page London section in massive detail, nevertheless it remains at the 2015 price.
Price: £20.00

Rail Atlas The Beeching Era. Ref: MA3435  

Proposed - Closed - Survived.
Large, 128 pages including 45 map pages, photo illustrations, gazetteer, glazed boards.**Expounds the Beeching closures by cartography. The maps show the railway network as it existed on 1 January 1963; lines and stations are colour-coded to indicate whether or not they were scheduled for closure and whether or not they were actually closed, together with several more subtle variations (there are nine colours). All Beeching's proposals are listed in the text and there are also lists of lines which he spared but were closed and lines he condemned which remained open.
Price: £20.00

Railway Maps By And For The Railway Industry. Ref: MA3893  

An illustrated guide.
Very large, 61 pages, illustrated in colour throughout, bibliography, soft back. **Erudite, close study of the various types of railway maps from the earliest days to the modern atlases and track level plans. The author describes it as "a guide and reference for collectors, a source of information for railway historians ... and to provide an insight into the genre for those with a keen interest in cartography." The background to the requirement and production of the various types of map is related, lists of editions given as appropriate, and reproductions of map pages show the differing styles and layouts. Packed with interesting detail, this fascinating history is much more than a work of reference and excellent value.
Price: £12.50

Railway Track Diagrams 1. Scotland & Isle Of Man. Ref: MA3631  

Sixth Edition.
Very large, 23 coloured diagram map pages, + about 14 pages index, bibliography etc, soft back. **Sixth edition.
Price: £12.95

Railway Track Diagrams 2. Eastern England. Ref: MA3530  

Fourth Edition.
Very large, 50 map pages, coloured + about 18 pages index, bibliography etc, soft back. **Fourth edition.
Price: £15.95

Railway Track Diagrams Book 4. Ref: MA3224  

Midlands & North West.
Bridge (ed).
Very large, 52 map pages + 17 pages of text: introduction, index (gazetteer) and other information, coloured diagrams, area index map, soft back. **Third edition.
Price: £15.95

Railway Track Diagrams Book 5. Ref: MA3727  

Southern & TfL.
Munsey (ed).
Very large, 49 map pages + 19 pages of text: introduction, index (gazetteer) and other information, coloured diagrams, area index map, soft back. **Fourth edition.
Price: £15.95

Scottish Railway Atlas Then And Now. Ref: MA3861  

Smith & Jordan.
Very large, 144 pages, 42 pages of colour maps, extra photos, illustrated index, glazed boards. **This atlas is based on the Official Railway Map of Scotland produced by the Railway Clearing House in 1920, just before the grouping took place. The map is divided into 20 sheets, one to a page and placed opposite a map of the same area showing the network as at 1 January 2021. There are also enlargements for Edinburgh and Glasgow showing the 1/1/21 system (including Edinburgh trams). Setting this atlas apart is the Index of Stations which includes a snip of the OS late C19 25" map or a small modern photo of most stations plus a brief chronology; this section accounts for some 86 pages. Further sections include mpds and preservation. Absolutely vital reference work and great value.
Price: £20.00

Signalling Atlas And Signal Box Directory. Ref: MA2886  

Network Rail : London Underground : tram and metro systems : Northern Ireland Railways: Iarnrod Eireann : heritage railways : preserved and disused boxes in the UK and Ireland.
Kay, P.
Very large, 108 pages, review, lists, good clear maps, a few photos, soft back. **Comprehensive signalling maps, methods of working, historical details and present equipment of all boxes. Third edition.
Price: £14.00

Track Atlas Of Mainland Britain. Ref: MA3593  

Third edition.
Very large, iv pages of preliminaries: key map, legend etc, + 159 map pages (coloured), + 26 page index, glazed boards. ** A comprehensive geographic atlas showing the present rail network of Great Britain.
Price: £27.95

Track Layout Diagrams Of The Great Western Railway And BR (WR) Section 37 Forest Of Dean. Ref: MA2247  

Very large, 56 pages, large-scale diagrams, brief photo section, soft back. **First published 1976, this is a revised and expanded version of the much enlarged 1992 edition.
Price: £7.20

Track Layout Diagrams Of The Great Western Railway And BR (WR) Section 46B Pontypridd-Cardiff. Ref: MA2262  

Very large, 58 pages, large-scale diagrams, soft back.
Price: £7.50

Trainspots Midlands Edition. Ref: MA2685  

The guide to UK railway photographic locations.
Medium, 161 pages, illustrated in colour with photographs and OS map extracts, soft back. **Suggests sites around the midlands giving precise instructions for access by private and public transport, direction of sunlight, the sorts of trains passing, and local amenities. Note that in the geography of this book the midlands stretch from Bicester in the south to Derby in the north; Birmingham and Peterborough are the western and eastern limits, but Nottingham is not included.
Out of print, last copy.
Price: £12.95

Trainspots Northern Scotland. Ref: MA3038  

The guide to railway photographic locations.
Medium, 161 pages, illustrated in colour with photographs and OS map extracts, soft back. **Suggests sites around Northern Scotland giving precise instructions for access by private and public transport, direction of sunlight, the sorts of trains passing, and local amenities.
Out of print, last 2 copies.
Price: £13.95

World Rail Atlas And Historical Summary Volume 7 North, East And Central Africa. Ref: MA2940  

Robinson, N.
Large landscape, 200 pages of which 77 are maps, the remainder brief histories and statistical details (mileages etc) of lines, there is also a folding map of the continent, soft back. **Algeria, Burundi, Central African Rep, Chad, Comoros and Mayotte, Congo (Dem Rep of), Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Full of interest.
Price: £23.99

World Rail Atlas And Historical Summary Volume 8 The Middle East And Caucasus. Ref: MA2286  

Robinson, N.
Large landscape, 168 pages of which 73 are maps, the remainder brief histories and statistical details (mileages etc) of lines. Some photo illustrations. Soft back. **Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel & Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. Full of interest.
Price: £23.99

Track Layout Diagrams Of The Great Western Railway And BR (WR) Section 46A Rhondda Valleys. Ref: MA2261  

Very large, 61 pages, large-scale diagrams, 2-page photo section, soft back.
Price: £7.50

Online Catalogue |  New Books |  Maps & atlases


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