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Signalling, safety

Online Catalogue |  New Books |  Signalling, safety

The Brighton Line. Ref: SS3879  

Brighton to Coulsdon North : a signalling perspective.
Very large, 360 pages, signalling diagrams, photo illustrations, maps, glazed boards. **The development of the LBSCR from Brighton to Coulsdon North with - as the author is a signalling engineer - a natural focus on signalling.
Price: £45.00

A Contemporary Perspective on LMS Railway Signalling Volume 1. Ref: SS3426  

Semaphore swansong.
Large, 192 pages, colour photo illustrations, some diagrammatic maps, soft back. ** Study of surviving LMS signalling with many illustrations. This volume covers the Midland Railway, the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, the Furness Railway, the Glasgow & South Western Railway and the North Staffordshire Railway.
Price: £19.99

A Contemporary Perspective on LMS Railway Signalling Volume 2. Ref: SS3427  

Semaphore swansong.
Large, 192 pages, colour photo illustrations, some diagrammatic maps, soft back. ** Study of surviving LMS signalling with many illustrations. This volume covers the London & North Western Railway, the Caledonian Railway and the Highland Railway.
Price: £19.99

Double Track. Ref: SS2980  

The vision becomes reality.
Holley (ed).
Large, landscape, 50 pages, many photo illustrations, some colour, hard back without jacket. **The Main Line Steam Trust's line from Loughborough to Rothley, the first preserved railway to operate on double track. This book describes the project, including construction and signalling.
Price: £8.00

Great Western Railway Stations (And Great Western Joint Stations) 1941 - 1947. Ref: SS2038  

An historical survey of stations and lines under Great Western or Great Western joint ownership.
Smith, R J.
Very large, 216 pages, illustrated with maps, local diagrams and some photographs. Includes alphabetical lists of stations and of locations of lines. Hard back. **Labour of love, and essential GW reference. Provides basic information on all GW stations during the period. What a bargain!
Price: £19.95

Harrow & Wealdstone 50 Years On. Ref: SS3148  

Clearing up the aftermath. X75.
Medium, 128 pages, many track plans, photos and drawings. Soft back. **2nd edition. A detailed examination of the second worst railway accident in this country. The driver of an up express overran signals in fog, crashed into the rear of a crowded train; almost at once a down express ran into the wreckage now fouling the adjacent line.
Price: £9.95

The History And Development Of Railway Signalling In The British Isles. Volume 2. Ref: SS1297  

Telegraph And The Absolute Block; Single Line Operation.
Very large, 132 + 167 pages, illustrated with photos and diagrams. Hard back: NB the blue background colour on the jacket of this volume uses a particularly fugitive dye and all jackets on our remaining stock have faded. *Two parts of Volume 2 (Telegraph & Absolute Block / Single Line) are presented in one volume, a monumental work.
Price: £30.00

The History And Development Of Railway Signalling In The British Isles. Volume 3. Ref: SS3372  

Freight marshalling yard operation, control and signalling.
Parker & Peart.
Very large, 218 pages, illustrated with photos and diagrams, several appendices: glossary, biographical notes, scientific data etc, hard back: *The third volume of this important series.
Price: £30.00

The History And Development Of Railway Signalling In The British Isles. Volume 4. Ref: SS3580  

Level crossings.
Pinkstone & Peart.
Very large, 218 pages, photo illustrations, several appendices including statistics, glossary, biographical notes, bibliography etc, hard back: *A very readable account of a key facet of railway safety. The history of level road / rail crossings goes back to the days of horse traffic, when little was required to keep crossing users safe. The development of the barriers, and the technology of operating them, and the signalling systems introduced to protect the traffic are all clearly described. A chapter is devoted to the most significant accidents on level crossings, and another to flat crossings, where one railway crosses another on the level. Highly recommended.
Price: £30.00

The History And Development Of Railway Signalling In The British Isles. Volume 5. Ref: SS3837  

Train detection and control.
Pinkstone & Peart.
Very large, 176 pages, photo illustrations and diagrams, several appendices including abbreviations, glossary, biographical notes, bibliography etc, hard back: *Another excellent work in this magisterial series, everything you could wish to know about track circuits, axle counters, ATC, AWS and other means of detecting trains and warning their crews of danger.
Price: £30.00

Last Levers On The Fylde. Ref: SS3606  

A commemoration and celebration of railway operation in the age of mechanical signalling.
Littleworth and others.
Very large, 192 pages, photo illustrations (some colour), maps, many signalling diagrams, appendices, glazed boards. ** Detailed analysis of traffic and signalling in the Fylde, up to the 1960s; includes many photos of boxes and equipment, time table extracts, etc. Remarkable value.
Price: £15.00

Lincolnshire Signal Boxes. Ref: SS3399  

Medium, 96 pages, pictorial with colour throughout, map, soft back. **Lincolnshire is particularly hard hit by Network Rail's comprehensive resignalling programme as its rural character has seen it passed over by earlier schemes. Consequently we have, or had - they are diminishing rapidly - a large number of signal boxes still in use. The author, who has a good eye for a picture, has toured the county and photographed most of them, together with signalling equipment, signals themselves, level crossings and some of the trains.
Price: £14.99

Locomotive Boiler Explosions. Ref: SS1929  

Medium, 144 pages, some line and photo illustrations, glazed boards. **Author was a member of the Railway Inspectorate.
Price: £12.99

London Brighton & South Coast Railway: Signal Boxes In 1920-1922. Part 2. Ref: SS2737  

East of the London and Brighton line.
Very large, 124 pages of signalling diagrams, soft back.
Price: £7.95

Mechanical Signalling In Plymouth. Ref: SS1242  

196 pages, soft back.
Price: £15.95

A History Of North Eastern Railway Signalling. Ref: SS3678  

2nd impression with minor corrections.
Mackay (editor).
Very large, 320 pages, illustrated with photos (some colour), structure drawings, signalling diagrams, extensive bibliography, glazed boards. **The history and development of railway signalling in north east England from the earliest waggon-ways to the highly complex installations of the first decade of the 20th century, continuing to 1922. It omits the Hull & Barnsley Railway (which has its own book) and private industrial lines after the formation of the NER.
Price: £27.00

Railway Breakdown Cranes Volume 1. Ref: SS2945  

The story of steam breakdown cranes on the railways of Britain.
Very large, 256 pages, photo illustrations, some period colour, many good measured drawings, glazed boards. **This is the first of a definitive two-part work describing the origins, makers and use of breakdown cranes on the railways of Britain. Cranes are defined as those primarily designed and developed for the purpose of dealing with railway accidents and derailments on standard gauge lines.
Volume 2, (now out of print) contains material on the larger long-jib cranes, powered by both steam and diesel, most of which were fitted with relieving bogies.
Price: £35.00

East Coast Main Line Disasters. Ref: SS3067  

Railways In Retrospect 6
Very large, 96 pages, photo illustrations, soft back. ** A well researched and thoughtful analysis of accidents on the line from early days to the present.
Price: £17.50

Signal Box Register Volume 1. Ref: SS2861  

Great Western. Revised edition.
Hall, ed.
Very large, 332 pages, good coloured maps, some photos (some coloured), tabulated data, soft back. **The register gives the following information: location, name and alternative names, date of opening and closure, construction type and details of locking frame.
Price: £22.00

Signal Box Register Volume 3. Ref: SS2959  

LNER (Southern Area) : GC, GN, GE, M&GN and CLC.
Hall, ed.
Very large, 456 pages, good coloured maps, some photos (some coloured), tabulated data, soft back. **The register gives the following information: location, name and alternative names, date of opening and closure, construction type and details of locking frame.
Price: £24.00

Signal Box Register Volume 4. Ref: SS2840  

Southern Railway.
Hall, ed.
Very large, 330 pages, good maps, some photos, tabulated data, soft back. **The register gives the following information: location, name and alternative names, date of opening and closure, construction type and details of locking frame.
Price: £19.95

Signal Boxes Of The LSWR. Ref: SS0742  

Medium, 176 pages. Soft back.
Price: £11.95

Signal Boxes On Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Lines : North And West Of Manchester. Part One. Ref: SS3068  

L&YR Western District Lines, Salford to Wigan (No 1) via Atherton, Salford to Euxton via Bolton and branches.
Very large, 114 pages, photo illustrations (some colour), map, many signalling diagrams, soft back. ** This work is in two parts. The present volume includes the introductory sections and covers lines 1 - 5A, which formed part of the L&Ys Western District. Part Two (see SS3304) covers lines 6 - 10, which formed part of the Central District. The information for each box includes location, details of the equipment, brief history and opening times. For many boxes there is also one or more signalling diagram.
Price: £15.00

Signal Boxes On Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Lines : North And West Of Manchester. Part Two. Ref: SS3304  

L&YR Central District Lines, Clifton to Bacup and Castleton to Bolton via Bury, Manchester (Irk Valley) to Radcliffe, Rochdale to Bacup and branches.
Very large, 148 pages, photo illustrations (some colour), map, many signalling diagrams, soft back. ** This work is in two parts. This second part covers lines 6 - 10, which formed part of the Central District. The information for each box includes location, details of the equipment, brief history and opening times. For many boxes there is also one or more signalling diagram. For Part 1 - which included the introductory sections and covered lines 1 - 5A, which formed part of the L&Ys Western District - see SS3068.
Price: £15.00

Signalling Atlas And Signal Box Directory. Ref: SS2886  

Network Rail : London Underground : tram and metro systems : Northern Ireland Railways: Iarnrod Eireann : heritage railways : preserved and disused boxes in the UK and Ireland.
Kay, P.
Very large, 108 pages, review, lists, good clear maps, a few photos, soft back. **Comprehensive signalling maps, methods of working, historical details and present equipment of all boxes. Third edition.
Price: £14.00

Signalling The Caledonian Railway. Ref: SS3350  

Very large, 328 pages, many photo illustrations, diagrams, maps, glazed boards. ** Surely the most comprehensive of company signalling studies. The author describes the block system and the controlling of single lines under the Caledonian; he explains the working of points, signals, level crossings, and the management of a signal box; he examines the organisation of signalling operations. There are chapters on early signalling developments and on modelling, and there are copious appendices on a wide range of topics. The book is crammed with useful and fascinating detail and warmly recommended.
Price: £30.00

St John's Lewisham 50 Years On. Ref: SS2415  

Restoring the traffic. X87.
Medium, 160 pages + large folding track plan tipped inside rear cover, many other track plans, photos and drawings. Soft back. **A detailed examination of the third worst railway accident in this country. An engine driver missed two signals in a fog, crashed into the rear of another train; the derailed tender brought down an overbridge onto the wreckage of the two trains.
Price: £12.95

Death Rode The Rails. Ref: SS2144  

American railroad accidents and safety 1828-1965.
Large, 446 pages + 16 pages of photo illustrations, hardback. **Academic study of rail accidents in the USA, immensely interesting. Two statistical appendices, copious notes on sources etc.
Price: £40.00

Great Western Railway Signal Box Nameplates. Ref: SS1832  

An essay in elegance. A guide to the GWR's cast-iron, signal box, crossing, and ground frame nameplates and their origins, manufacture and demise.
Dunn, M V E.
Large landscape, 184 pages, photo illustrations. Includes alphabetical list of all 4508 nameplates known to have been ordered by Reading Signal Works. Hard back.
Price: £19.95

Hundred Years Of Speed With Safety. Ref: SS2461  

The inception and progress of the Westinghouse Brake & Signal Company Ltd 1881-1981.
Medium, 258 pages, photo illustrations, soft back. ** In 1981 Westinghouse commissioned O S Nock, whose whole career as a signalling engineer had been with that company, to write their centenary history. How fortunate to have such a historian on the payroll! but unfortunately the company was taken over before the work could be published. The manuscript has been recovered and dusted down by an editorial team; it is a most welcome addition to the limited annals of signalling, and of course covers all other aspects of Westinghouse activity.
Price: £12.95

London & North Eastern Railway In Focus. Ref: SS1021  

Crawley, J.
Large, 192 pages, pictorial, hard back. **Compilation of official and unofficial photographs, promotional booklets, accident reports, LNER committee minutes and other unusual items from the author's extensive archives of LNER memorabilia.
Price: £25.00

London Brighton & South Coast Railway: Signal Boxes In 1920-1922. Part 3. Ref: SS1457  

Mid Sussex & west coast lines and branches.
Very large, 120 pages of signalling diagrams, soft back.
Price: £7.95

London Brighton & South Coast Railway: Signal Boxes In 1920-1922. Part 4. Ref: SS1458  

Dorking and suburban lines.
Very large, 112 pages of signalling diagrams, soft back.
Price: £7.95

Surviving Signalboxes From The Golden Age Of British Railways. Ref: SS0862  

Large, 141 pages. Hard back. **Mainly photographs including some good interiors.
Price: £19.99

Wreck Of The Cromer Express. Ref: SS1552  

The Colchester railway accident of 1913.
Connor, J E.
Medium, 56 pages, photo illustrations, soft back.
Price: £8.50

Online Catalogue |  New Books |  Signalling, safety


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