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Blackpool Trams. The first half century 1885 - 1932. Ref: S7129  

Abell, P H & McLoughlin, I.
Oakwood, nd circa 1995.
Octavo, 224 pages, photos, maps, depot plans, stock lists, bibliography, jacket faded on spine otherwise near fine. **Thorough history in the usual Oakwood style.
Price: £15.00

Bournemouth And Poole Tramways. Ref: S6258  

Anderson, R C.
Middleton, 1995.
Small quarto, 96-page album: photos, maps, diagrams, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £10.00

The Tramways Of Croydon. Ref: S6239  

Baddeley, G E and others ("Southmet").
LRTA, 1960, first edition.
Octavo, 212 pages, photos, folding map, drawings, detailed stock list, tear to front of jacket, otherwise VG.
Price: £16.00

The Continental Steam Tram. Ref: S7847  

Baddeley, G E.
LRTA, 1980.
Octavo, 280 pages, photos, some drawings, stock lists, location maps (no system maps), card covers, near fine. **A fund of information on the steam trams of, I think, every country in the Europe of 1980 (excluding UK & ROI), produced stoutly, but without graphic finesse : the maps are good and clear but the photos flat and grey.
Price: £12.00

Cornwall's Electric Tramcars. The history of the Camborne and Redruth system. Ref: S7709  

Barham, L F.
Penryn: Glasney, 1972.
Squarish quarto, 84 pages, photo and line illustrations, some colour, system map and diagrams, a little wear to jacket, generally VG+. ** A short history illustrated with some handsome photographs.
Price: £17.00

Huddersfield Corporation Tramways. A history to mark the centenary of municipal transport operation in the United Kingdom. Ref: S7081  

Brook, R.
Author, 1983.
Octavo, 200 pages, photo illustrations, large folding map, glazed boards, signed by author, slightly lozenged and with some external wear, generally VG. **Essentially a second edition of the author's The Tramways Of Huddersfield.
Price: £18.00

Zum Bertoldsbrunnen Mit Bus Und Bahn. Stadtverkehr in Freiburg. Ref: S7464  

Burmeister, J, Köth, A & Schrott, O.
Düsseldorf, 1988: Alba.
Small quarto, 144 pages, photo illustrations, track diagrams, bus/tram station layout, fleet listings, German text, card covers, VG+.
Price: £12.00

The Southerden Tramway Scene. Historic tramway photographs 1925-35, taken by the late G N Southerden. Ref: S6651  

Burrows, V E.
Glasney Press, 1980.
Quarto, 112 page photo album, jacket, near fine. **Southerden was a railwayman and a tram enthusiast; from his photographic record the compiler has selected illustrations of cars from many systems around England and south Wales. There are also some interesting views taken on a visit to Belgium.
Price: £16.00

The Tramways Of Southend-On-Sea. Ref: S7652  

Burrows, V E.
Advertiser Press, 1965,
Octavo, 188 pages + 4 items loosely inserted, photo illustrations, stock list, no jacket, otherwise VG+, a bright copy. **History includes the pier tramway. Items loosely inserted:
1. Folding system map with dated junction diagrams;
2. Very large folding drawings of double deck, single truck car (3 elevations and plan);
3. Large folding drawings of 4 wheel motor car (2 elevations and part plan);
4. Folding drawings of Cars 1 & 2 as rebuilt (2 elevations and part plan);
Price: £20.00

Cornwall Street Railway. The Insurance Company's Streetcars. An illustrated history of the transit operations of the Cornwall Street Railway Light & Power Company. Ref: S7915  

Clegg, A & Lavallée, O.
Montreal, 2007 : Railfare.
Quarto, 102 pages, mainly illustrations, some colour, laminated card covers, near fine. **History of an unusual tramway undertaking in Cornwall, Ontario.
Price: £14.00

Around London By Tram. Ref: S7083  

Cooper, T & Gent, J.
Sheaf, 1981.
Large landscape octavo, 154 pages, postcard album with captions and notes, jacket, VG+. **London street scenes between 1900 and 1935 taken from period postcards.
Price: £18.00

Lanarkshire Tramways. Ref: S7972  

Cormack, I L.
Glasgow, nd, c1970: STMS.
Small octavo, 64 pages, photo illustrations, double page system map, card covers, VG.
Price: £7.00

London's Trams And Trolleybuses. Ref: S7917  

Day, J R.
London Transport Executive, 1977.
Quarto, 113 pages, maps, photo illustrations, jacket, VG+ ** "A lavishly illustrated history of the hundred years from London's first horse-drawn tramcar, through the golden age of tramways, down to the last trolleybus."
Price: £10.00

Freiburg: From classic tramway to light rail. Ref: S7829  

Deacon, R.
LRTA, 1998.
Tall quarto, 76 pages + 16 page colour section, photos, maps, stock lists, card covers, fine. ** Detailed history of the tram system of Freiburg "the gateway to the Black Forest". English text.
Price: £12.00

The South Staffordshire Electric Tramway. Ref: S6387  

Dickinson, A.
Excerpt Proc Civil Engs, 1894.
Octavo, 16 pages, diagrams in text, disbound and stapled into serviceable card covers with paper backstrip, VG. **Description of an early electric tram system in the Wednesbury - Dudley - Walsall - West Bromwich area.
Price: £8.00

The Red Electrics. Southern Pacific's Oregon interurban. Ref: S7126  

Dill, T & Grande, W R.
Edmonds, Wa, 1994: Pacific Fast Mail.
Large quarto, 135 pages, mainly illustrations, maps, some narrative text, jacket, fine. **Electric lines serving the hinterland of Portland.
Price: £28.00

Trammend Naar De Metro. De historie van de tram in Rotterdam. Ref: S7916  

Duparc, H J A, Kaper, H P, & Stigter, L.
E J Brill 1968
Tall octavo, 212 pages, illustrations, diagrams, tables, Dutch language, jacket, fine copy of a scarce book.
Price: £30.00

The Haytor Granite Tramway And Stover Canal. Ref: S6725  

Ewans, M C.
D&C,1966: second, enlarged, edition.
Octavo, 72 pages, 25 photo illustrations, map, jacket, near fine. **Devonshire industrial archaeology. The tramway not only carried granite, the line was built from it, in the manner of a plateway.
Price: £15.00

Croydon's Tramways. Including Crystal Palace, Mitcham and Sutton. Ref: S5314  

Gent, J B & Meredith, J H.
Middleton, 1999, revised edition.
Small quarto, 96 pages, album: photos, maps, car drawings, glazed boards, fine. **One of Middleton's Tramway Classics series.
Price: £10.00

The Tramways Of The West Of England. Ref: S7973  

Gentry, P W.
LRTL, 1960 (2nd edn).
Octavo, 173 pages, photo illustrations, system maps, jacket browned, book VG+. **Covers Bath, Bristol, Camborne & Redruth, Cheltenham, Exeter, Gloucester, Lynton & Lynmouth, Plymouth, Swindon, Taunton, Torquay, Weston s-Mare & Worcester. Includes three cliff railways - Bristol (Clifton Rocks), Lynton & Lynmouth and Torquay (Babbacombe).
Price: £17.00

Shepherds Bush And Uxbridge Tramways Including Ealing. Ref: S6390  

Gillham, J C.
Middleton, 1998.
Small quarto, 96 page album with some maps and car drawings, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £12.00

The Burton & Ashby Light Railway (and adjacent lines). Ref: S6161  

Goode, C T.
Hull, 1994: published by the author.
Small octavo, 68 pages, photos, map, track plans, card covers, near fine.
Price: £8.00

Salford's Tramways. A history of local road passenger transport in and around Salford from the days of the horse drawn omnibus to the development of the electric tramway system. Ref: S7824  

Gray, E.
Foxline, 1997 - 1999.
Two volumes, large quarto, 185 pages in total, + folding map, many photo illustrations, fleet lists, other tabulated route and statistical information, glazed boards, VG+. ** Part One: 1824 -1912; Part Two 1913 - 1947. The subtitle is a trifle inaccurate. Apart from Chapter 1 : Turnpike Roads and Early Omnibus Services, the book confines itself to the tramways, and chronicles them from the first horse worked line through to the decline and closure of the system. There is no mention of Metrolink although it was opened to Salford in the year of publication.
Price: £30.00

Chronik 111 Jahre Rostocker Straßenbahn - 88 Jahre elektrischer Betrieb - 66 Jahre Omnibusbetrieb. Ref: S7314  

Groppa, K.
Rostock, 1991 : Rostocker Straßenbahn AG.
Octavo, 109 pages, photo illustrations, some colour, stock lists, German text, card covers, near fine. **Detailed history of trams in Rostock. Includes 15 pages on buses, but they have not been able to find many bus photos to illustrate it with.
Price: £9.00

Aldgate And Stepney Tramways. Ref: S6529  

Harley, R J.
Middleton, 1996.
Small quarto, 96 page album with many maps, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £12.00

Camberwell & West Norwood Tramways. Ref: S6007  


Harley, R J.
Middleton, 1993.
Small quarto, probably 96 unnumbered pages, album: photos, maps, diagrams, drawings, glazed boards, fine. **One of Middleton's Tramway Classics series: includes trams in Dulwich and Peckham.
Price: £11.00

Embankment And Waterloo Tramways. Ref: S7848  

Harley, R J.
Middleton, 1994.
Small quarto, 96 page album: photos, maps, diagrams, drawings, glazed boards, fine. **One of Middleton's Tramway Classics series: covers trams in and around the Kingsway subway, Victoria Embankment, County Hall, Waterloo and North Lambeth, St George's Circus, Blackfriars Road and Blackfriars and Westminster Bridges.
Price: £12.00

Holborn And Finsbury Tramways. Ref: S6491  

Harley, R J.
Middleton, 1996.
Small quarto, 96 page album with many maps, glazed boards, one endpaper creased, otherwise fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £12.00

East Ham And West Ham Tramways. Ref: S6338  

Harley, R.
Middleton, 1995.
Small quarto, 96 page album with some maps and car drawings, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £12.00

Ilford And Barking Tramways. Ref: S7602  


Harley, R.
Middleton, 1995.
Small quarto, 96 page album with some maps and car drawings, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series.
Price: £11.00

South London Tramways 1903-33. Ref: S6444  

Harley, R.
Middleton, 2003.
Small quarto, 96 page album with some maps, glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series, to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of the first LCC electric tramway routes in South London.
Price: £12.00

The Tramways Of Gateshead. Ref: S7911  

Hearse, G S.
Published by the author, 1965.
Octavo, 123 pages + folding map, photo illustrations, no jacket, near fine.
Price: £15.00

The Tramways Of Jarrow And South Shields. Ref: S6757  

Hearse, G S.
Published by the author, 1971.
Octavo, 145 pages, maps, photo illustrations, jacket, VG+.
Price: £17.00

The Tramways Of Northumberland. Ref: S7764  

Hearse, G S.
Published by the author, 1961.
Octavo, 104 pages, photo illustrations, folding map, red cloth, marked on rear board, no jacket, otherwise VG.
Price: £16.00

Avancez SVP! Cent ans d'histoire vicinale en Belgique. Ref: S7910  

Henrard, C et al.
Brussels: Agence & Messageries de la Presse, 1985.
Folio, 248 pages, photo illustrations (some colour), French text, jacket, VG+. ** Centenary history of Belgian trams, a detailed and thorough production.
Price: £25.00

Straßenbahn In Klagenfurt. Ref: S5430  

Herrmann, H & Laula, A.
Vienna, 1981: Slezak.
Large octavo, 96 pages, photo illustrations, map, vehicle drawings, stock list, German text, laminated card covers, VG. **A brief text is followed by a large photographic section. Klagenfurt seems to be a town in Austria.
Price: £15.00

Trams In The North West. Ref: S7093  

Hesketh, P.
Ian Allan, 1995.
Small quarto, 128 pages, many photo illustrations, maps, fleet lists, glazed boards, VG+. **History of tram systems in Lancashire and Cumberland,
Price: £14.00

The Story Of The Dover Corporation Tramways 1897 - 1936. Ref: S7603  

Horn, J V.
LRTL, 1955.
Octavo, 88 pages, photo illustrations, route map, car list, green cloth faded on spine, otherwise VG. Scarce.
Price: £18.00

The Manchester Bury Rochdale & Oldham Steam Tramway. Ref: S7849  

Hyde, W G S.
TPC, 1979.
Octavo, 104 pages + large folding map, some track diagrams, photo and other illustrations, glazed boards, near fine. **The author remarks : "The motives behind the building of some of the early tramways are difficult to ascertain. The lines may have been promoted as a result of political pressure; for purely financial gain; to satisfy the ego of some local council; or even to suit the convenience of some local dignitary. However no mystery enshrouds the beginnings of the Manchester, Bury, Rochdale and Oldham steam tramway. It was conceived solely for the financial gain of its London backers; its beginnings were tortured by a maze of legal technicalities, each one designed further to line the pockets of its promoters; and its career was marked by a succession of court cases."
Price: £16.00

The Tramways Of Kent. Ref: S7727  

LRTL, 1971-5.
Two volumes, octavo, 176 & 184 pages illustrated with photos, map and drawings, hard back, jackets, bright set, VG+.
Price: £32.00

Arkansas Valley Interurban. Ref: S7877  

Isely, M D.
Los Angeles, Ca, 1956 : Electric Railway Publishing.
Large quarto, 55 pages (incl inside back cover), map, photos, track diagrams, detailed stock list, card covers, VG. **Interurbans Special No 19. The line linked Hutchinson, Newton and Wichita.
Price: £14.00

+ Fribourg En Tram. Ref: S8098  

Jacobi, S.
Neuchâtel, 1985, published by the author
Small quarto, 96 page album with chronology, vehicle notes etc, map and route diagrams, French text, card covers, near fine copy. **The tramways, trolleybuses and funiculars of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Price: £14.00

Die Überlandbahnen von Bern nach Worb. Geschichte und Rollmaterial zweier Berner Vorortsstrecken. Ref: S7079  


Jeanmaire, C & Stamm, R.
1971, Eisenbahn Basel.
Octavo, 30 pages of introductory text, then 210 photo illustrations on about 120 pages, maps, tables, diagrams, German text, jacket, VG. **Interurban railways between Berne and Worb (Switzerland). Archiv nr 11.
Price: £22.00

Die Geschichte Der Basler Straßenbahn 1880 - 1895 - 1968. Streetcars Of Basle. Ref: S6388  

Jeanmaire, C.
Basle, 1968: Verlag Eisenbahn.
Octavo photo album, about 150 pages, 206 images: photos, vehicle drawings, maps, German captions, cloth, no jacket, near fine.
Price: £22.00

Hampstead And Highgate Tramways. Ref: S7974  

Jones, D.
Middleton, 1995.
Small quarto, 96 page album, system and local maps including some extracts from large scale OS maps, tramcar drawings; glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series; covers an area roughly bounded by Hampstead, Archway, Angel and Tottenham Court Road. Mostly electric but includes a few photos of horse trams.
Price: £12.00

+ The Tramways Of Reading. Ref: S8099  

Jordan, H E.
Adam Gordon, 1990, 2nd edition.
Octavo, 96 pages, photo illus, route map, jacket, fine copy.
Price: £16.00

A Desire Of Tramcars. Ref: S7912  


Jowitt, R E.
Ian Allan, 1969.
Small quarto, 200 pages, photos, hard back, jacket a bit worn on top edge, otherwise a very good copy. **A 20 page introduction is followed by a collection of Jowitt's particularly satisfying photographs of trams all over western Europe including post-war Britain.
Price: £18.00

Operation Tramaway. The end of London's trams, 1950-52. Ref: S7438  

Joyce, J.
Ian Allan, 1987.
Quarto, 112 pages, lavishly illustrated with photos, some maps. Jacket. VG.
Price: £15.00

The South Western Lines Of The Sydney Tramway System. Ref: S7776  

Keenan, D R.
Petersham, NSW, 1992 : Transit Press.
Landscape quarto, 72 pages, well illustrated with photos (some period colour) system maps, depot and junction layouts, card covers, near fine. **Good system history.
Price: £14.00

Trams To The Hill Of Howth. A photographic tribute. Ref: S6625  

Kilroy, J.
Colourpoint, 1998.
Quarto, 64 pages, photo illustrations, map, card covers, fine. **Not an album: a 32-page line history illustrated in black & white is followed by a selection of (mostly) period colour photos.
Price: £15.00

Middleton Tramways. Ref: S6732  

Kirby, A K.
Manchester Transport Museum Society, 1976.
Octavo, 88 pages, photo illustrations, large folding map with track diagrams, old tape repair to jacket otherwise VG+. **Hard back edition. Largely a history of the Middleton Electric Tramway Co, which operated the tram system from opening in 1902 until take-over by the local authorities in 1925, but is completed with an account of Manchester's contribution to the operation and the course of events until final closure in 1934.
Price: £18.00

New Tramcars For Rotterdam. Ref: S7224  

Koldijk, S S.
Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. [1951].
Quarto, 18 pages, photo illustrations, line drawings of cars and components, graph, electrical diagram, English text, card covers, VG+. **Technical description of the new cars by the chief engineer of the Rotterdam Tramways, nicely produced by Metropolitan-Vickers who built some of the equipment.
Price: £12.00

History Of Lehigh Valley Transit Company. Railway operations. Ref: S7767  

Kulp, R L (editor).
Allentown, Pa., 1966 : National Railway Historical Society.
Octavo,100 pages + folding map, photo illustrations, card covers with comb binding, some wear to covers, otherwise VG+. **History of an interurban undertaking in Pennsylvania.
Price: £10.00

Straßenbahn In Mönchengladbach. Ref: S7316  

Lehmann, J.
Nordhorn, 1997 : Kenning.
Large octavo, 144 pages, photo illustrations, some colour, maps, fleet lists, German text, laminated boards, fine.
Price: £18.00

Huddersfield Tramways. The original municipal system. Ref: S7913  

Lockwood, S.
Middleton, 2007.
Small quarto, 96 page album including 4 pages of introductory material, system and central area maps, tramcar drawings; glazed boards, fine. **Tramway Classics series No 9.
Price: £12.00

English Electric Tramcar Album. Ref: S7030  

Lumb, G.
Ian Allan, 1998.
Small quarto, 128 pages, photo illustrations, jacket, near fine copy. **Over some 50 years English Electric and its antecedents supplied tramcars to operators throughout the British Isles from its works at Preston. This album offers illustrations of tramcars built from the late 19th century to the 1940s, together with well-reseached captions, works plan, some car drawings, and build lists for selected years.
Price: £14.00

Norwich Tramways. Ref: S6259  

Mackley, D.
Middleton, 2000.
Small quarto, 96 page album: photos, maps, track diagrams, glazed boards, fine. **One of Middleton's Tramway Classics series.
Price: £10.00

The Mount Somers Tramway 1886-1943. Mid Canterbury, New Zealand. Ref: S5942  

Maffey, I D.
Christchurch, 1971: NZRLS.
Octavo, 114 pages, photo illustrations, diagrams, jacket, near fine. **A mineral line, not a street tramway.
Price: £20.00

The Bath Tramways. Ref: S6550  

Maggs, C G.
Oakwood, 1992 (2nd, revised, edn.)
Octavo, 104 pages, photos, maps, card covers, fine. **Bath had horse trams from 1880, and electric ones from 1904 to 1939. Useful local history.
Price: £8.00

Stockport Corporation Tramways. Ref: S7765  

Marshall, M.
Manchester Tramway Museum, 1975.
Large octavo, 160 pages + large folding map, photo illustrations, card covers, VG+. **A solid history.
Price: £21.00

75 Jahre Straßenbahn Plauen. Ref: S7332  

Mensdorf, J & Reichenbach, K.
Dresden, 1970 : Verkehrsmuseums.(2nd printing or possibly edition, first published 1969).
Octavo, 100 pages, many photos, tabulated stock list, German text, card covers, VG. **Tramway system of Plauen in Germany.
Price: £10.00

De Buurtspoorwegen In De Provincie Limburg 1885-1961. Ref: S5688  

Neyens, J.
Octavo, 128 pp, photo illustrations, Flemish text, jacket (slightly rubbed), contains photocopy of map of the Vicinal, loosely inserted, which has offset slightly on jacket and front endpapers, otherwise VG+. **Belgian trams.
Price: £16.00

The Dublin Electric Tramway. Ref: S8022  

Parshall, Horace Field.
Institution Of Civil Engineers, 1898.
Octavo, 64 pages, one large folding plate of technical drawings, other diagrams in the body of the text, recent red cloth, a very fine copy. **A scarce professional paper.
Price: £30.00

Wiener Straßenbahn-Panorama. Bilder aus der Zeit von 1865 bis 1982. Ref: S7562  

Pawlik, H P & Slezak, J O.
Vienna, 1982 : Slezak.
Large octavo, 160 page album with historical introduction, line list and vehicle list, system map on rear endpaper, German text, glazed boards, front corners bumped, otherwise VG+.
Price: £16.00

Chronik Der Straßenbahn. Ref: S7487  

Prasuhn, P H.
Hanover, 1969 : Schaper.
Small square quarto, 240 pages, largely of photo illustrations, line drawings, jacket, VG. **40 page introduction is followed by 175 pages of photos chronicling the development of the German tramcar. Lines drawings of many types of tramcar follow.
Price: £14.00

Mountain & Gibson. Ref: S7033  

Price, J H.
Nemo, 1980.
Octavo, 60 pages, photo illustrations, card covers, near fine. ** History and development of the detachable tramcar truck carrying motors and gearing, as introduced by McGuire of Chicago; and of the firms in America and Britain which produced them.
Price: £5.00

Aus Der Chronik Der Mettmanner Straßenbahnen. Ref: S6903  


Reimann, W R.
Berlin, 1998 : Verlag B Neddermeyer.
Large octavo, 135 pages, photo illustrations, some maps, German text, glazed boards, fine.
Price: £18.00

Fünfzig Jahre Strassenbahn Herne - Castrop-Rauxel. 120 Jaher Herner Nahverkehr. Ref: S5584  

Reiners, L; Sieburg, H-O.
Herne, 1956: Strassenbahn Herne–Castrop-Rauxel Gmbh.
Folio, 78 pages, photo illustrations, decorative vignettes, maps (some colour), statistics, bibliography, German text, cream cloth-covered boards, slight damage to front board, otherwise VG+. ** Nicely - produced local history commemorating 50 years of trams and 120 years of public transport in Herne, a small town just north of Bochum in Germany. It is mostly about the trams, other forms of transport creep in at either end.
Price: £15.00

The Peak Forest Tramway. Including the Peak Forest Canal. Ref: S7729  


Ripley, D.
Oakwood Press, 1989, 3rd edn.
Octavo, 72 pages, photo illustrations, large scale and other maps, card covers, near fine. **LP38.
Price: £8.00

The Tramways Of East London. Ref: S7914  

1967, TLRS & LRLT.
Octavo, 252 pages, photos, system maps, tables, chronology, stock list, errata slip, no jacket, VG+. ** Barking, East Ham, Ilford, Leyton, Walthamstow, West Ham.
Price: £14.00

Reutlinger Strassenbahn. The Tramways Of Reutlinger (Germany). The history of the steam and electric tramway 1899 - 1912 - 1974. Ref: S7680  

Rüdiger, W & Jeanmaire, C.
Villigen, 1977: Verlag Eisenbahn.
Octavo, 28 pages of introductory text (in German) followed by 334 photo illustrations, tramcar drawings and maps on approx 200 pages, laminated boards, fine. **Standard reference: Archiv Nr 34. Subtitle in German reads Von der Lokalbahn zur elektrischen Strassenbahn 1899 - 1912 - 1974.
Price: £18.00

Die Rheinbahn. Stadtverkehr in und um Düsseldorf. Ref: S6473  

Schild, A & Waltking, D.
Düsseldorf, 1985: Alba (2nd impression).
Small squarish octavo, 175 pages, photos, maps, car drawings, stock lists, bibliography, German text, card covers, near fine. **Public transport in Düsseldorf. As well as trams there are also buses and a little on river boats.
Price: £14.00

The Tramway Era In Sheffield. Souvenir brochure on the closure of the tramways, 8th October, 1960. Ref: S6813  

Sheffield Transport Department.
Large quarto, 32 pages, photo and other illustrations, chronology, card covers, VG. **A good history of the system.
Price: £10.00

The Metropolitan Electric Tramways. Ref: S7766  

Smeeton, C S.
LRTA, 1984/6.
Two volumes, octavo, 224 + 256 pages, map endpapers, other maps in text, photo illustrations, glazed boards, near fine set. **Very detailed history of this north London tram system.
Price: £40.00

Souvenir. Electrification Of The Mumbles Railway 1928. Ref: S7286  

South Wales Transport Co Ltd.
Small landscape octavo, 32 pages, map, photo illustrations throughout, brief history, pictorial red and cream card covers, somewhat soiled, worn at back fold and staples, but holding, faint damp stain to lower corner of all pages, contents generally G+. **Nice commemorative booklet. Illustrations of trains, electrical equipment and Mumbles pier.
Price: £12.00

The Tramways Of Sunderland. Ref: S7826  

Staddon, S A.
Advertiser Press, 1964.
Octavo, 164 pages + map and folding map, photo illustrations, detailed stock list, hardback without jacket, VG. Fairly scarce. ** Classic history of trams in the largest town in Co Durham.
Price: £15.00

Trams Langs De Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Ref: S4724  

Steenmeijer, A.
Uitgeverij Pirola Schoorl, 1983.
Small square quarto, 120 pages, photos, maps, track diagrams, stock lists, glazed boards, fine. **De tramlijn Amersfoort - Zeist - Rhenen - Arnhem 1882-1949 alsmede de zijlijn Doorn - Wijk bij Duurstede. History of interurban tram system centered on Utrecht.
Price: £14.00

Strassenbahn In Graz. Ref: S7312  

Sternhart, H.
Slezak, 1979.
Small quarto, 176 pages, many photos and line drawings of cars, maps, stock lists, German text, glazed boards, near fine. **Trams in Austria. About 50 pages of text, supported by generous sections of illustrations and tabulated stock lists.
Price: £18.00

Straßenbahn In Linz. Ref: S7827  

Sternhart, H.
Large octavo, 200 pages, many photos and line drawings of cars, maps, stock lists, German text, glazed boards, VG+. **Trams in Austria. About 40 pages of text, supported by generous sections of illustrations and tabulated stock lists.
Price: £18.00

Ein Jahrhundert Kasseler Nahverkehr. Ref: S7417  

Stör, G A.
Kassel, 1977 : Kasseler Verkehrs-Gesellschaft.
Square quarto, 136 pages, map, photos, diagramatic route maps, route lists, extensive stock lists with drawings, German text, jacket torn, book otherwise VG. **Steam trams, horse trams, electric trams, omnibus, trolleybus. Also a line called the Herkulesbahn, which carried coal as well as passengers and featured a most unusual vehicle consisting of two wagons on a single chassis driven from a centre steeple cab. This is in the tram section because the advertised bus element is relegated to a few pages at the end. Tracked transport is where the author's heart is.
Price: £14.00

St Helens Tramways. Ref: S7828  

Stretch, E K.
St Helens Corporation, 1969, 2nd impr.
Folio, 59 pages duplicated typescript + 4 pages photos, maps inside covers, stock lists, card covers, VG+. **There can be few British tram histories we've never listed before and this is one. Despite being the work of a well-known tramway historian, and needing a reprint within a year publication, it cannot have had a wide circulation beyond St Helens.
Price: £10.00

Light Rail Review. An in-depth review of developments in light rail transit. Ref: S3457  

Taplin & Fox, editors.
LRTA / Platform 5, 1990 -1998.
A complete set of 8 annual issues, A4 format, 64-80 pages per issue, articles on general topics and on specific systems, especially the British systems then under construction, well illustrated in colour and black and white, with maps, diagrams and track plans. Fine set. **Stands as a record of a key period in British light railway history.
Price: £45.00

80 Jahre Zürcher Straßenbahnen. Ein historisch-technischer Rückblick. Ref: S7559  

Trüb, W.
1961, off-print from Eisenbahn-Amateur.
Large octavo, 64 pages, photos, tables, 1907 system map, double-page 1959system map, German text, card covers, VG+. **Detailed commemorative history of the Zurich tramway system.
Price: £6.00

The Directory Of British Tram Depots. Ref: S6684  

Turner, Smith & Smith.
OPC, 2001.
Quarto, 160 pages + 16 page index, maps, some photos, jacket, near fine. **Systematic and thorough gazetteer of tram depots, with brief system and site details and a good site plan (from large-scale OS maps) for each depot. There is a brief appendix outlining the vehicle storage provision of Manchester Metrolink, South Yorkshire Supertram, Midland Metro and Croydon Tramlink.
Price: £24.00

A Nostalgic Look At Leeds Trams Since 1950. Ref: S7604  

Twidale, G H E.
SLP, 1991.
Quarto, 68 pages, map, photos (a few in period colour), card covers, VG+. **Brief system history followed by large and interesting photo section. This work boasts an enthusiastic 2-page introduction by Alan Bennett.
Price: £10.00

Nashville's Streetcars And Interurban Railways. Ref: S7975  

Wagner, R.
Charleston, SC, 2016 : Arcadia.
Small quarto, 127 page album, map, card covers, fine. **Nashville's tramways were worked first by mule traction, later by steam and in 1889 they became one of the first electric systems; it closed in 1941. A two-page history is followed by a collection of historic photos.
Price: £10.00

Sernftalbahn Schwanden-Elm. Ref: S5910  


Waldburger, H & Aeschlimann, J.
Leissigen, 2005: Prellbock.
Small quarto, 224 pages, photo illustrations, some colour, stock list, German text, glazed boards, fine. **No 19 in the well-produced and extensive Prellbock series of histories of the smaller Swiss local railways and tramways.
Price: £20.00

British & Irish Tramway Systems since 1945. Ref: S6983  

Waller, M H & P.
Ian Allan, 1992.
Quarto, 208 pages, photo illustrations, maps, hard back, jacket, near fine copy. ** Substantial study of the post war decline of tramways, written just as the light railway revival got under way.
Price: £20.00

The Heyday Of The European Tram. Ref: S6545  

Waller, P.
Ian Allan, 1984.
Landscape quarto, 79 pages colour album, glazed boards, near fine. **Period colour in western Europe.
Price: £12.00

The Heyday Of The Tram Ref: S2338  

Waller, P.
Ian Allan, 1992.
Landscape quarto, 80 pages colour album, glazed boards, fine. **Includes some preservation but a high proportion of the photographs are period colour.
Price: £12.00

Trambahn Der Stadt St Gallen. Ref: S5780  

Wanner, R & Aeschlimann, J.
Leissigen, 2002: Prellbock.
Small quarto, 128 pages, many photo illustrations, some colour, maps, drawings, stock lists, German text, dark blue laminated boards, fine. **Prellbock issued an extensive series of histories of the smaller Swiss local railways and tramways, well produced on high quality gloss paper, in uniform volumes.
Price: £15.00

Innsbrucks Straßenbahn. Ref: S6652  

Wegenstein, P.
Vienna, 1982: Pospischil.
Octavo, 96 page album, laminated boards, German text, near fine. **#28 of the extensive Bahn Im Bild series; a five page introduction and a stock list precede the briefly-captioned photos. Trams in and around Innsbruck.
Price: £12.00

The Car Builders' Dictionary. An illustrated vocabulary of terms which designate railroad cars, their parts and attachments. Ref: S6605  

Wellington, A M.
Kentfield, Ca, 1971: N K Gregg reprint.
Small square quarto, 558 pages + 28 pages adverts, 2188 diagrams. No jacket, cloth, fine copy. **A reprint of the 1888 edition.
Price: £35.00

London United Tramways. A History 1894-1933. Ref: S7852  

Wilson, G.
Allen & Unwin, 1971.
Octavo, 240 pages + 48 pages of plates, map endpapers, a little wear to jacket, generally VG+. **North west and south west London operators : south of the river their lines reached Tolworth and Tooting via Kingston, Maldon and Wimbledon, another line connected Richmond with Twickenham; north of the Thames trams ran from Shepherds Bush to Uxbridge and Hammersmith to Hounslow; a line from a junction at Isleworth ran via Twickenham to Hampton and crossed the river to connect the southern lines.
Price: £25.00

The Manchester Tramways. Ref: S7082  

Yearsley, I & Groves, P.
TPC, 1991 revised edition.
Folio, 304 pages, photo illustrations, fleet list, map, system development maps on front endpapers, cloth boards, no jacket, near fine. **System history, detailed and comprehensive.
Price: £30.00

Die Straßenbahnen in Dortmund 1881-1992. Ref: S7561  

Zander, B & Tepper, F.
Dusseldorf, 1992 : Alba.
Small squarish quarto, 136 pages, illustrated with photos, route maps and diagrams, stock lists, German text, card covers, near fine. **Local tramway history.
Price: £12.00

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