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UK & Irish Railways: Authors M - Z

Online Catalogue |  Out Of Print Showcase |  UK & Irish Railways: Authors M - Z

The Isle Of Man Railway. Ref: S6263  

Macnab, I.
Greenlake, 1945, first edition.
Small quarto, 100 pages, map, illustrated with photos, diagrams, rolling stock drawings, track plans, gradient profiles, jacket, fine. **A lovely copy of the original edition of the pioneering work on the subject.
Price: £20.00

A History Of The Hull Railways. Ref: S6160  

MacTurk, G G, revised by Hoole, K.
Nidd Valley NG Rlys Ltd, 1970, reprint of 1879 original.
Octavo, 164 pages reprint + X pages introduction, card covers with cloth backstrip VG. ** Ken Hoole's revision of this classic history consists of a short introduction and a table of 24 brief notes on the text.
Price: £14.00

The North Staffordshire Railway. A history of the line and its locomotives. Ref: S7281  

Ashbourne: Henstock, 1952.
Octavo, 182 pages + 56 pages of plates, coloured frontispiece and 7 folding pages (time table extracts/maps/gradient diagrams), early locomotive diagrams, locomotive stock lists, jacket, very good copy of a scarce book. **One of the best of the older style company histories.
Price: £85.00

+ The Isle Of Wight Railway. Ref: S8104  

Maycock, R J & Silsbury, R.
Oakwood Press, 1999 (OL109).
Octavo, 240 pages, well illustrated, maps and diagrams, jacket, fine copy. **The main line from Ryde to Ventnor and the Bembridge branch.
Price: £22.00

Piers, Tramways And Railways At Ryde. Ref: S8026  

Maycock, R J, & Silsbury, R.
Oakwood, 2005.
Octavo, 176 pages, illustrated with photos, maps, street plans, signal diagrams, lists of tramway rolling stock and ferry vessels, bibliography, jacket, near fine. **Useful all-inclusive local transport history. OL136.
Price: £15.00

The Colonel Stephens Railways. A view from the past. Ref: S6136  

Morgan, J S.
Ian Allan, 1999.
Quarto, 96 pages, largely pictorial, glazed boards, fine. **A short biography of the Colonel himself is followed by brief histories and many photos of sixteen railways managed by him.
Price: £14.00

An Illustrated And Descriptive Guide To The Great Railways Of England and their connections with the continent. Ref: S1624  

Morton & Co.
Morton, 1886.
Large octavo, 392 pages + advertisements, handsome steel engravings, mostly topographical, map of European railways and some local maps, decorated red cloth boards, gilt edges. Some wear and damp spots to cloth, some marks to endpapers, minor damage to final page of text affecting 7 lines of a warning not to drink the water in Italy or to remain outdoors there after sunset. Otherwise generally VG. **Travel guides usually restrict themselves either to home or abroad but this one does both. It covers its subject railway by railway so that continental places appear with the lines that serve the ports. This is a omnibus edition of Morton's individual railway guides; the pagination is eccentric and there may be more than the 392 pages noted above.
Price: £40.00

Fifteen Inch Gauge Railways. Their History, Equipment And Operation. Ref: S8030  

Mosley, D, & Van Zeller, P.
David & Charles 1986.
Quarto, 96 pages, well illustrated, diagrams, jacket, fine. **A review from earliest times (c 1860), through Sir Arthur Heywood's pioneering work, to the many 15" lines which followed.
Price: £14.00

The Aberdare Railway. Ref: S6905  

Mountford & Kidner.
Oakwood, nd (1995).
Octavo, 128 pages, maps, photos, card covers, fine. **OL95.
Price: £8.00

On The Means Of Comparing The Respective Advantages Of Different Lines Of Railway; and on the use of locomotive engines. Ref: S7717  

Navier, C H, translated from the French by John MacNeill.
London, 1836 : Roake & Varty.
Octavo, xv + 97 pages, tables, modern cloth, occasional light foxing to prelims and back, overall a fine copy of a scarce early text. Ottley 306. **Navier was an eminent French mathematician who refined the method of analysing the best route for a railway. Referring to calculations in Nicholas Wood's Practical Treatise the translator comments : The result would indicate that an engine carrying a constant load of forty tons, can traverse one of these lines in less time than the other, but this superiority consists in time only : we cannot predict that this line is in other respects preferable or more economical than the other. Various other circumstances besides velocity should enter into the calculation, before we can decide with certainty which is the best line ... M Navier's formulae will enable us to approximate very nearly to a correct comparison between two lines of rail-way ...
Price: £50.00

+ The Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway. A concise history. Ref: S8105  

Nock, O S.
Ian Allan, 1969.
Octavo, 159 pages + photo plates, map, track plans, drawings of signalling equipment, coloured frontispiece,signed by the author on title page, jacket, fine copy.
Price: £18.00

Fifty Years Of Western Express Running. Ref: S3440  


Nock, O S.
Edward Everard, 1954.
Quarto, 354 pages, 8 colour plates, 79 b/w illustrations, 107 performance tables, 6 folding gradient plates, some wear to jacket, but rather a nice book with high production standards. VG.
Price: £35.00

Historic Railway Disasters. Ref: S8043  

Nock, O S.
Ian Allan/BCA. 4th edition, revised, 1992
Octavo, 271 pages, photo illustrations and diagrams, jacket, fine copy. **"The historic accident is one which leads to a review of current practice and assumptions, and sets a course for avoiding pitfalls in the future." Abbots Ripton, Armagh, Quintinshill, Hither Green, Hixon, Moorgate, along with many less well know disasters, are described and analysed.
Price: £15.00

The Railway Race To The North. Ref: S8047  

Nock, O S.
Ian Allan, 1958.
Octavo, 168 pages, colour frontispiece, photo plates, tables of train times, jacket, fine. ** "The Aberdeen race of 1895 was the culmination of nearly 50 years' rivalry between the East and West Coast companies, a manifestation of boundless enterprise and resource, and an alertness and flexibility in management not usually associated with the Victorian Age". Or at least not by their grandchildren of the 1950s.
Price: £18.00

+ Osborne's Guide To The Grand Junction Railway, with the topography of the country through which the line passes, and complete guide to the towns of Birmingham, Liverpool and Manchester. Ref: S8106  

Osborne, E & W.
Birmingham, E C & W Osborne, 1838.
Duodecimo, 378 pages + 148 pages of advertising matter, general introduction to the rise and progress of railways, steel engravings on plates and in the text, large folding map of the route of the line (some unobtrusive repairs) and town plans. Plain green cloth titled on spine, a clean and tidy looking copy, VG.
Price: £105.00

A Bibliography Of British Railway History. Ref: S5943  

Ottley, G.
HMSO and the National Railway Museum 1983-1998.
Three volumes, large octavo, comprising:
1. Main Volume, from earliest times to 1965, second edition with minor revisions, 1983, 683 pages, jacket poor, book VG;
2. First Supplement covering the period 1966-1980, and with corrections and additions to the main volume, 1988, 543 pages, jacket, near fine;
3. Second Supplement covering the period 1980-1995 and with numerous additions to the two previous volumes, 1998, 674 pages, fine in glazed boards. **The book without which no British railway book collection is complete.
Price: £110.00

Railway Snowfighting Equipment And Methods. Ref: S3751  

Parkes, G R.
Published by the author, 1961.
Octavo, 95 pages + advertisements, photo and some line illustrations, jacket, VG. **Survey of British and overseas practice, critical of BR's attitude to snow and ice.
Price: £15.00

Brecon & Merthyr Railway. Ref: S6665  

Parry, V J.
Brecon, 1970, published by the author.
Octavo, 84 pages, some photo illustrations, stapled into light card covers, VG+. **Local history.
Price: £10.00

+ The Ballymena Lines. A history of the narrow-gauge railways of north east Ireland part two. Ref: S8107  

Patterson, Edward M.
David & Charles, 1st edition 1968.
Octavo, 200 pages + 16 pages photo illustrations & coloured frontispiece. Lots of track plans, drawings in text, etc, jacket, VG+. **One of the classic David & Charles company histories. Part one of the work dealt with the Ballycastle Railway.
Price: £20.00

The Somerset And Dorset Railway In The Sixties Volume Four 1963-1966. Ref: S7759  

Peters, I.
OPC, I983.
Quarto album, 215 photos, 2-3 per page, jacket, VG+. **The final volume in Ivo Peters' evocative series.
Price: £18.00

The Jubilee Line Extension. Ref: S5188  

Powell, K.
Laurence King, 2000.
Quarto, 207 pages, 187 colour photo illustrations and architectural drawings, jacket, fine. **A grand architectural survey of the new stations which includes some details of construction, tunnelling etc.
Price: £22.00

A Pictorial Record Of Southern Signals. Ref: S8044  

Pryer, G.
OPC, 1991 reprint of original 1977 edn.
Large quarto, 200 pages, illustrated with 220 photo plates of signals, equipment, boxes etc, 51 scale drawings of signals, gantries, signal boxes etc, diagrams of equipment etc, jacket, a fine copy.
Price: £27.00

LMS Centenary Of The Opening Of The First Main-Line Railway. Supplement to the Railway Gazette. Ref: S7226  

Railway Gazette.
Folio, 84 pages + 78 pages of advertisements, with many illustrations, photos and maps, original orange paper covers, some discolouration to covers, contents near fine. **A B MacLeod's copy and bears his name stamp on the cover .
Price: £20.00

+ The Hay And Kington Railways. Ref: S8102  


Rattenbury, G & Cook, R.
Railway & Canal Historical Society, 1996.
Small quarto, 132 pages, 65 illustrations and 14 maps, laminated card covers, square back, fine copy. **Excellent history of two early border plateways. Detailed maps show the routes of the lines with later alterations and surviving fragments.
Price: £15.00

The Llangollen Line. Ruabon to Barmouth. Scenes From The Past 9. Ref: S7307  

Rear, W G & Jones, N.
Foxline, 1990.
Quarto, 96 page album, card covers, near fine.
Price: £12.00

The Conwy Valley Line. Blaenau Ffestiniog to Llandudno Junction. Ref: S7667  

Rear, W.
Foxline, 1991.
Large quarto album, 160 photos on about 120 pages, maps, track diagrams, card covers, fine. **Scenes From The Past series, no 12.
Price: £14.00

The Slate Regions Of North And Mid Wales And Their Railways. Ref: S6117  


Richards, A J.
Carreg Gwalch, 1999.
Octavo, 279 pages, photo illustrations, maps, card covers, near fine. **A brief account of about 600 sites, many previously unrecorded, of the Welsh slate industry. Puts into context the almost forty tramways and railways which carried the slate to ports and main line railways.
Price: £12.00

Railways; Their Rise And Progress. With remarks on railway accidents and proposals for their prevention. Ref: S4684  

Ritchie, R.
Longman, 1846.
Crown octavo, 444 pages, woodcuts in the text. Newly rebound in red cloth, contents clean and tight. Uncommon.
Price: £95.00

Red For Danger. Ref: S8045  


Rolt, L T C.
D&C, 1966, 2nd edition.
Octavo, 287 pages + 12 pages plates of railway accidents, jacket worn, otherwise VG+. **Survey of major accidents in Britain, classified by cause. **An early edition of the classic work on railway accidents
Price: £15.00

St Pancras Station. Ref: S8034  

Simmons, J & Thorne, R.
Historical Publications : 2nd edition.
Large octavo, 184 pages, photo and other illustrations, some colour, jacket, near fine copy. The original edition was published when the battle for the future of the station still raged, this later version, revised, re-set and with extra illustrations, includes a chapter by Robert Thorne "St Pancras Revived".
Price: £20.00

The Aylesbury Railway. The first branch line Cheddington - Aylesbury opened 1839. Ref: S7662  

Simpson, B.
OPC, 1989.
Large quarto, 112 pages, maps, station layouts, structure drawings, photos, jacket, fine. **A generously illustrated line history.
Price: £20.00

Waverley. Portrait of a famous route. Ref: S7028  


Siviter, R.
Kingfisher, 1988.
Large quarto, photo album of approx 120 pages, 190 illustrations, some narrative, jacket, fine.
Price: £20.00

New Street Remembered. Ref: S8035  

Smith, D J.
Birmingham: Barbryn, 1984.
Small quarto, 124 pages, photo illustrations, track diagrams, glazed boards, VG+ ** "The story of Birmingham's New Street station 1854 - 1967 in words and pictures" ; despite this subtitle the book is a real history, not just a picture history.
Price: £12.00

Shrewsbury To Swansea. The story of the railway through central Wales. Ref: S5585  


Smith, D J.
Town & Country, 1971.
Small quarto, 111 pages, photos, map, track plans, gradient diagrams, time table extracts, card covers, VG.
Price: £14.00

Groudle Glen Railway. Ref: S4588  

Plateway, 1989.
Small quarto, 56 pages, photos, map, diagram, card covers, near fine. **Isle of Man.
Price: £6.00

The Miniature World Of Henry Greenly. Ref: S7238  

Steel, E A & E H.
MAP, 1973.
Octavo, 251 pages, photo illustrations, loco list, jacket, near fine. **Greenly was a pioneering model engineer at the turn of the last century ; he was associated with a number of miniature railways at home and abroad, the most important being the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch which he built and for which he designed the locomotives.
Price: £15.00

Steam Supreme. Recollections of Scottish railways in the 1920s. Ref: S4415  

Stephen, R D.
Bradford Barton, nd.
Small octavo, 151 pages including photo plates, litho'd typescript, card covers, VG. **Nicely written, full of interest.
Price: £9.00

Branch Line To Southminster. Ref: S7858  

SVRPS, 1981.
Octavo, 72 pages, photos, map, station plans, card covers, VG. **Local history.
Price: £6.00

Great Western Railway Centenary Number. Ref: S5406  

The Times.
London, Saturday August 31 1935.
Broadsheet newspaper, 28 pages, externally worn and discoloured, there is a small central hole through the first 6 pages, where the paper has been folded into four; the contents are otherwise generally clean and sound, though fragile. G - VG. **Contains interesting photographs and a large range of articles, some weighty, some light-hearted, on GWR history, operations, locomotives and other matters too numerous to list.
Price: £15.00

A Regional History Of The Railways Of Great Britain. Volume 1 The West Country. Ref: S7108  

Thomas, D St J.
David & Charles, 1973, 4th edition.
Octavo, 274 pages including photo plates, maps, folding map attached inside rear cover, card covers, VG+. **Paperback edition of volume one in the highly regarded D&C series.
Price: £9.00

North Eastern Railway. Its rise and development. Ref: S3754  

Tomlinson, W W.
Newcastle, 1914: Reid, 1st edition.
Quarto, 820 pages, numerous illustrations on plates and in the text, newly rebound in green cloth by DJ Bookbinders. Looks good without, and is clean within, an excellent copy. **The classic and monumental NER history, the first scholarly history of any British railway company. By far the best of the old style company histories, and the only one to be written from primary source material. Most of the book concerns the period before 1880 and with some justification there is nothing later than 1904.
Price: £130.00

Ironstone Quarries Of The Midlands. History, Operation And Railways. Ref: S6958  

Tonks, E S
Runpast, 1988 - 1992.
Nine volumes, uniform octavo, average 250 pages per volume, photo illustrations and maps, one jacket faded on spine otherwise a very fine set (and a bargain compared with the new paperback edition). **Eric Tonks's definitive series on these unobtrusive but unexpectedly interesting Midlands industrial byways. Covers all ironstone operations between Oxfordshire and Lincolnshire with descriptions and details of every quarry - ownership, photos, maps and plans and locomotive lists. Volumes are:
Part I: Introduction
Part II: The Oxfordshire Field
Part III: The Northampton Area
Part IV: The Wellingborough Area
Part V: The Kettering Area
Part VI: The Corby Area
Part VII: Rutland
Part VIII: South Lincolnshire
Part IX: Leicestershire
Price: £210.00

The Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Railway. Ref: S6323  

Tonks, E S.
Industrial Railway Society, 1972, 2nd edition, revised and enlarged.
Large octavo, 102 pages, photo illustrations, double-page map, glazed card cover, near fine. **Very scarce.
Price: £26.00

+ The Ironstone Quarries Of The Midlands. History, operation and railways. Volume VII, Rutland. Ref: S8095  

Tonks, Eric.
Runpast, 1989.
Octavo, 168 pages, detailed histories and descriptions of the quarries, track plans, photo illustrations, comprehensive locomotive and quarry machine listings, jacket faded on spine, otherwise a fine copy. **This volume in Eric Tonks' masterly series covers the quarries at Barrowden, Uppingham, Luffenham, Pilton, Cottesmore, Burley, Exton Park, Market Overton and the preservation schemes.
We can also usually supply a complete set of all nine volumes; if there is no set listed here you are welcome to enquire by phone or e-mail.
Price: £21.00

Industrial Railways Of Bolton, Bury And The Manchester Coalfield. Ref: S7779  

Townley, Appleton, Smith & Peden.
Runpast, 1994, 1995.
Two volumes large octavo, 206 + 249 pages, illustrated : photos, maps, site plans, loco lists, jackets, near fine set. **Part 1 : Bolton and Bury (includes Radcliffe, Clifton and Kearsley); Part 2 The Manchester Coalfield (including Atherton, Leigh, Tyldersley, the Bridgwater Collieries system and some non-mining industrial lines in Salford).
Price: £55.00

Garden Railways. Ref: S4589  

Tustin, R E.
Percival Marshall, 1949.
Octavo, 110 pages, photo illustrations and diagrams, jacket slightly worn on extremities of spine, otherwise near fine. **A lovely copy of a modelling classic.
Price: £25.00

A Pictorial Record Of The Leicester And Burton Branch Railway. Ref: S7131  

Twells, H N.
Trent Valley, 1985.
Folio, 96 pages, photos, track plans, extensive captions, some narrative text, route map on front cover, card covers, VG+.
Price: £15.00

The Highland Railway. Ref: S8031  

Vallance, H A.
Lochar, 1996 : 5th edition revised by A J Lambert.
Octavo, 222 pages, photo plates (some colour), line diagrams, laminated soft covers, square back, fine copy. **The final edition of the company history originally published by David & Charles, and uniform with the paperback volumes in that series.
Price: £12.00

A Pictorial Record Of Great Western Signalling. Ref: S8042  

Vaughan, A.
1984, OPC, 2nd edition, revised, 1984.
Large quarto, 160 pages with numerous photo illustrations and drawings, jacket, near fine.
Price: £22.00

British Railway Bridges. Ref: S7473  

Walters, D.
Ian Allan, 1963.
Small octavo, 72 pages, photo illustrations, card covers, VG+. **A fourteen-page historical survey is followed by detailed descriptions of twenty-five of the most interesting railway bridges and viaducts in the country. Nice period Ian Allan booklet and usefully informative.
Price: £8.00

The Railway Data Book. Ref: S6224  

Westwood, J N.
PSL, 1983.
Octavo, 222 pages, many illustrations and diagrams, jacket, near fine. **An unusual take on railway writing, this is compendium of facts on most aspects of railways - personalities, motive power, track, train control etc etc, in chapter form. It is pitched at the knowledgeable layman. Useful reference, and a pleasant read. I've put this in the UK section, although the author does not restrict himself to British railways.
Price: £15.00

The Railways Of Great Britain & Ireland Ref: S6077  

Whishaw, F.
David & Charles, 1969: reprint of 1842 edition.
Quarto, 500 pages, 15 plates and a folding plate and map loosely inserted, jacket, binding a little strained, stain on one insert, but generally VG. **A valuable survey of all the railways then open or well advanced in construction.
Price: £45.00

+ The Story Of The Colne Valley. Ref: S8096  

Whitehead, R A, & Simpson, F D.
Francis Ridgway 1951, 1st edition.
Octavo, 83 pages, photo illustrations, track plans, locomotive list and details, jacket, fine copy. **The history of the little Colne Valley & Halstead Railway between Chappel & Wakes Colne and Haverhill.
Price: £22.00

The North Sunderland Railway. Ref: S7199  


Wright, A.
Oakwood, 1988 (2nd, enlarged, edition).
Octavo, 94 pages, photos, maps, station diagrams, locomotive drawings, stock list etc, card covers, near fine. **LP 36.
Price: £9.00

Online Catalogue |  Out Of Print Showcase |  UK & Irish Railways: Authors M - Z


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