How to make a purchase
By post, by phone (between 0930 and 1700 any day except Wednesday and Sunday) or by fax or e-mail books@roberthumm.co.uk Please quote reference number and book title.
Ordering on-line
Our on-line listings come in three sections : Out of Print Showcase, New Books and the Bargain Basement. You can search the catalogues by key words using the facility at the top of the Home page. Alternatively you can browse through the various sections - they can be reached directly from the menu at the left of this page. Our new ordering system ought to be straightforward, just please note that unlike the old system you will be charged online and that a delivery charge will be added before checkout. If you meet with any problems with the system please either order by phone or fax (see below) or e-mail us for advice. If you cannot find the book you want on-line please phone us or use the Contact page or Book Finding page to let us know what you want.
Ordering By Phone 01780 766266 We are happy to accept telephone orders and enquiries during shop hours (9:30 - 5:00 Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to Saturday, see Opening Hours for more detail). This is our usual way of doing business - it's what we're here for. You can check the availability and order anything listed on this site or in our printed catalogues by phone; please quote the titles and book reference numbers.
If there is a book you want that is not listed just ask. We may well have it in stock anyway, if not we'll look out for it for you (unless it is extremely rare). We can accept any Visa, Mastercard, Switch or Maestro card or will reserve books for up to ten days to await your cheque (payable to Robert Humm & Co). Or you can collect in person and save the postage.
If you find it hard to get through by phone look on our News page to see whether we have recently issued a printed catalogue - our two phone lines get very busy at this time.
Ordering By Fax 01780 757929 or E-mail Books@RobertHumm.co.uk If telephoning does not suit you, you are welcome to send your order or enquiry by fax or e-mail. Again, please quote the titles and book reference numbers. If you have the choice use fax which is instant and directly accessible to our counter staff. E-mail is not constantly monitored and may be uncollected for several days at busy times.
Book Tokens We are not able to accept Book Tokens - these are intended for new books only and the book token organisation will not deal with booksellers who stock second hand books, whether or not they also sell new books. However we do issue our own Gift Vouchers which can be ordered in any of the ways above. Use this link to order Robert Humm & Co Gift Vouchers on-line.
Availability Please note that books listed in our printed catalogues sell rapidly; when ordering from these check first that what you want is still available.
On the Showcase and Bargain sections of our on-line catalogue books that are already sold are marked as such and cannot be ordered. We are happy to look out for another copy - just ask. It is theoretically possible for two customers to order the same book at once. This seldom happens and when it does we sell the book to the first-comer (the orders come to us time-dated).
Be aware that new books may go out of print without warning. There is a fuller note about availability of our new stock on the Book Descriptions And Availablilty page. Please let us know if any book is essential to your order.