… will be Saturday 29 August. Quite sad really, to be closing here after all these years, but that’s progress – we can’t move if we don’t shut first. We’ve packed up everything we can find in the stock rooms, and now it’s time to start on the shop area itself. So Saturday will be quite a momentous day for us. Call in and say goodbye to the old place – it’s now or never.
Meanwhile the good news is that Robert keeps finding books he’d forgotten he had – some very interesting items have come to light to enliven at least the next two catalogues.
We shall continue to run the web site sales while we are closed – at least the Showcase and Bargain Basement, which I hope to be able to move, and re-shelve quite quickly, along with the essential computer; these two sections will have to be offline while this happens, but I’m hoping it will only be a brief hiatus. The new stock presents a bigger problem, as there is a great deal more of it – it may have to be offline for a while.
To contact us during the move use the usual contact details from the web site. Our lease at Station House continues, so we shall receive post sent here, and the e-mail and phone numbers will not change even when we move. The only difficulty may be reaching us by phone in the interim, as we have no phone at all at the new premises yet; if there is no one at Station House when you ring we suggest you send us an e-mail to ask us to phone you back.
We haven’t a date yet for opening at the new shop; we have a lot of hard work ahead of us packing the remaining stock; organising the removal and installation of the remaining shop fittings and arranging the stock on the shelves. October remains possible, as does November, December … be sure, however that we’ll keep you posted of progress and when the opening date is fixed we’ll let you know here, on the web site and in our regular magazine adverts.
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