shop front squaredWe’ve been at Station House since 1987 and now our long lease is drawing to a close. Maybe when we signed up to it we thought we should have had enough of bookselling by the time it ended, but no – bookselling is a habit which dies hard. So we are going to move. The process will take most of this year; we hope to be fully established in our new shop by the start of October. There will be a spell during the summer when neither Station House nor the new shop will be open, but we mean to continue trading through the web site, as long as we can keep tabs on where the stock is.


011So – where are we going? Not very far. We have bought an odd little house (it used to be a pub) at the main crossroads at the northern edge of the town centre. It’s about 10 minutes walk from the station. The building has needed a lot of work, which as can be seen from the picture still has a way to go. The front door is still in its undercoat, the builders have to work out how to tackle the upstairs windows and oh, that buddleia!

We intend to keep our customers informed on the progress of our move, and – very importantly – to reassure them that we are still open at Station House. It seems that you only have to say you are moving for people to believe you have closed. No, we are not closed. Yes, we shall close for a few weeks in the summer. But yes, we’ll continue to trade online. And yes, yes, yes, we’ll be opening at our new address in autumn 2015.