Progress at the new premises continues apace. We have moved most of the shelving from the Aviation Room and upstairs areas of Station House and Robert has been fitting them into the non-sales parts of the new building. My office overlooking the traffic lights (how I shall miss the railway) is all shelved up and Robert has been fitting out the windowless room he will use for cataloguing if he doesn’t asphyxiate in it. He calls it “The Snug”, which it may well have been when the building was the Black Horse.
Later in the summer we shall have to start removing the shelving from the shop area of Station House and when we reach that point we’ll have to close until early autumn when we’ll re-open in our splendid new shop.
But don’t wait till then to come to Stamford. If you have never been to visit Station House, come now – this old shop in one of England’s finest small railway stations is still well worth seeing. We have a full stock of new and second-hand books and intend to keep it like that until we close here. We also have an hourly train service and are five minutes from the A1.