Ref: Run 42
Volumes 33-71 inclusive, arranged in 42 books, recent volumes being issued in two parts per year. Format is quarto (approx 10" x 8"). Page count varies from year to year, some volumes running up to 350 pages. All are illustrated. Binding is in the Society's grey cartridge paper wrappers for the earlier volumes, more recently in laminated card covers. Condition very good to fine, signs of slight wear to the covers of the early wartime volumes.The Newcomen Society is the foremost British organisation for the study of the history of technology. The early volumes tended to concentrate upon the technology of the early stationary steam engines, mill engines and pumping engines. In due course this was widened to include virtually all aspects of technology.We also have a large quantity of single issue Proceedings at advantageous prices, mostly 1940s to 1990s. Please state requirements.
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